And shit doesn’t get crazier than at The Rabbit Hole.

So yeah, what else can go wrong?

I know I shouldn’t have said it, but the rhetorical question rolled off my tongue as easily as the last five tequila shots rolled right in. In all honesty, I don’t think things can get any worse than they have been in the last three months.

Not since New Year’s Day.

Memories of that morning come flooding back to me and I shut my eyes tight to try to push them away, but it’s no use. They’ve pushed past the wall I built to block them and broken through a faulty dam that’s cracked and allowed them to come tumbling in.

The words he uttered to us. The dark and demeaning tone of his voice. The hatred, disgust, and even worse, the regret that flashed in his eyes as he looked at us. Those are things one cannot forget.

No matter how much alcohol I drank, drugs I took or dicks I fucked.

Believe me, I’ve tried.

I pull a cigarette tucked into the crook of my green corset and lean back against the dirty brick wall letting my mind wander to that wretched night. The night that changed the course of our future.

* * *

“I can’t keep doing this.”Zane shouted leaving us panting and on the verge of a mind blowing orgasm on the couch we were currently fucking on, taking the two of us by surprise. “I shouldn’t have ever done it. Fuck, this was a mistake.”

“Which part, Zane?” I asked, abruptly standing up to meet him while Chloe immediately jumped to her feet by my side. The three of us stood there completely naked but nothing about the way Zane was staring at us matched the fucking lies coming out of his mouth.

He shook his head as he reached down to the floor for his boxers, quickly slipping into them.

“Fuck,” he groaned in annoyance, frustration etched onto every corner of his face as he desperately ran a hand through his hair.

Hurt by his admission, but more importantly furious by how easily he was giving up on what we had, I pushed back against his chest making him falter slightly and forcing him to take a step back to steady himself.

“Us coming here?” I spat out, poking at his chest with every forward step I took. “You admitting you wanted us and giving into your carnal desires? Or fucking us so rough, and dirty against every surface in this house? What part was a fucking mistake?” My tone was deep and demanding, never once did I allow my voice to falter or show weakness.

Fury blazed in his eyes as he paced the room but hidden under it I caught a glimpse of hurt from my words. He frantically ran a hand through his tousled hair again, pain etched onto the creases under his eyes and the tight line of his lips. “Can’t you two see how fucked this is? I’m your fucking stepfather Chloe.”

“Ex-stepfather,” Chloe uttered in between broken sobs. She was on her knees before him now to my right, her face in her palms as her chest heaved up and down in sync with her cries.

“It doesn’t matter!” Zane shouted, throwing his glass of whiskey across the room startling us both and making Chloe cry even louder as the glass shattered against the window.

“Don’t you fucking dare make this any less meaningful than it was for her asshole,” I cried out, slamming my fists repeatedly against his bare chest. “You don’t get to belittle her feelings just because your dick went soft and you’re no longer man enough to accept the fact that you were hot and horny for two eighteen-year-old girls.”

His hand wrapped around my neck as he slammed me back against the wall behind us. “Don’t you fucking get it, Avery? It’s because of what I did to her I can’t fucking look at myself in the mirror without slamming my fist into it.”

I rolled my eyes ignoring the pain in his voice and pushed back the tears I didn't want to let him see. They burned as I swallowed them down, past the lump in my throat and the tightness of his fingers wrapped around my neck. But it hurt so much more to hear him say those things and seeing the way he hurt Chloe.

My Chloe.

It was all some fucked up bullshit he was feeding himself to justify the wrong he believed he did.

I continued to slam my fists against his chest ignoring the way my insides were ablaze in anger, but it only made the hand around my neck tighten. “She chose you asshole,” I choked out. “She loves you so much that she waited for you. You think she couldn’t give her virginity to any other willing fucker? Oh, trust me they would have gladly taken it from her without so much as asking. But she didn’t give it away. She saved herself for you and you fucking broke her heart after taking if for yourself.”

My words cut deep and I know it took everything in him not to tighten his hand around my neck until I was no longer breathing. Until the rage in my eyes and the guilt in his ruined us both.

I would have if I were him. We loved her more than we loved ourselves and together we ruined her.

Instead Zane released me without so much as another look turning away from us both. “I’m sorry but you both need to leave. You’ve overstayed your welcome.”

Unable to face him Chloe took off upstairs, sobbing as she ran but I didn't move a goddamn muscle.

I walked around him and pushed against his chest until he fell back onto the couch stunned by my reluctance to back down.