God-fucking-dammit.Not again Chlo. Jumping off the island, I adjust my straps, and pick up the bag of veggies from the floor just as Chloe waltzes back into the room.

“Sorry I took so long, I couldn’t find it,” she mumbles, clearly flustered. Suddenly there is a weird smell in the air as smoke comes from the stove.

“Zane,” I murmur, staring at the stovetop.

“What Avery,” he sneers, his sexual frustration clear in his voice.

“Um, were you cooking something?”

“Shit!” he curses, rushing over to the stove. Shutting off the burner, he removes the lid of the pot, boiling, bubbling water spilling over the edge. “I over cooked the fucking pasta,” he mumbles to himself.

“That’s fine, let’s just order takeout, I was kind of feeling like pizza.” Chloe steps toward him, bringing the wet towel in her hand to wipe away the blood coating his wound. “Let’s just clean this up and then I’ll order us some pizza.”

Zane watches her carefully, his arousal still glazing his eyes as she meticulously places some ointment across his flesh. His breathing turns heavy as his gaze roams down into the dip of her top.

He’s checking her out, still high off the dopamine from the events that transpired between us. Chloe’s hands are shaky as she tries to apply the bandage to his forehead, but Zane reaches out to steady her, placing a hand on her waist. I chuckle to myself at his reaction, meanwhile Chloe is clueless. Her breasts rise and fall with fast, heavy breaths as she practically shivers beneath his touch. This girl is going to come apart the moment he lays his hands on her, and I’m going to enjoy every minute.

“Pizza sounds perfect,” I blurt out, causing them both to snap out of their little moment and turn to me. Zane releases his hold on Chloe as she steps back and packs up the supplies she was using. “I’m starving,” I continue. “And although I’m sure whatever you were going to make was going to be ridiculously delicious Zane, I need to be fed.”

He lets out a chuckle as he moves to dump the overcooked pasta into the trash, “Alright you two win. Pizza it is. Why don’t you grab some drinks and I'll place the order.” He looks at Chloe then back at me. “I’ll come meet you guys in the den. Oh and Chlo,” he mutters before stepping out. “Tonight, I get to pick the movie.”

* * *

Of coursehe picked A Christmas Story. The man is a fucking clone of Ebenezer Scrooge. It’s like he’s trying to remind us of his true nature. Although if I’m being honest, for a man who swears he hates Christmas, he sure seems to be enjoying himself this year.

I’m shoving handfuls of popcorn into my mouth, trying to distract myself from the jealousy coursing through me.

Zane propped himself on the opposite side of Chloe tonight, using his poor little stepdaughter as a barrier. As if having Chloe between us is going to save him. If only he knew it’s Chloe who’s dying to jump his bones. Well, besides me of course.

Chloe’s focused on the movie while I’m focused on my phone, swiping through our FF page and rewatching the videos we’ve posted. But from the corner of my eye I can see Zane’s gaze is focused on me.

I try to smile every so often, giggling and laughing as if I’m reading something funny on my phone. I can see his eyes zeroing in on me, trying to figure out if I’m smiling because I’m texting someone. I’m laughing at the fact Zane’s watched all our videos, multiple times of course.

I’m sure he thinks he isn’t the only one, but what Chloe’s stepdaddy doesn’t know is he’s the only one with access to my account. I made it private and Zane is the only one we sent the link to which means he’s the only one who can see my videos. After all, he’s the one we’re making them for.

Zane’s self-control is something I didn’t count on. It’s much stronger than I imagined and although he’s almost lost it completely, plenty of times with me, breaking him in for Chloe is going to be a bit of a challenge. He’s accepted he wants me, that's obvious. It’s no secret he wants to fuck me, but with Chloe, I’m afraid it will take something drastic for him to see his baby girl as a woman. A woman he wants to fuck.

Looks like I have some more work to do, and I’m positive I’ll enjoy every second.

I look up at Zane, giving him my signaturecome hitherlook. He’s watching me with eager eyes, undressing me with his gaze as it roams over me from head to toe. I wink at him and his mouth shuts closed, his jaw clenching as he shifts in his seat. My gaze travels down to his groin where to no surprise, his erection is clear and present.

He’s going to break sooner rather than later, and once he lets go, it’s going to be worth the damn wait.

Arousal creeps over me, the heat of his eyes traveling through me. I’m up for the challenge. By the end of this week, Zane will be cock deep in both of us. I’m betting on it.

Mark my words,daddy.



It’s been three days since we set up the Friendly Fans account and Zane’s watched every new upload. I still can’t believe he’s seen me this way, or worse everything he’s seen me do. I thought it would be harder to be around him, knowing he’s watched me flirting and fondling Avery practically naked, yet I feel this thrill of excitement I’ve never felt before.

Avery says it’s the power of seduction. To arouse a man like Zane, who surely is jerking off to our videos, is exhilarating.

Not to mention how fucking horny it makes me to watch him put his hands on her. Zane might not feel the same way about me but watching how much he wants Avery makes me just as fucking hot as if he did.

Of course Avery has been a bit on edge, her body aching to have him. Every time he’s close to letting go and giving into her, something snaps him back to reality and he puts his walls back up. One of those things is me.