Page 42 of The Symphony of Us

Greyson:She turned her phone off after eight (apparently, she does that always) and went to bed around eleven.I think dancing and the hike wore her down.

Sanford:She danced?

Greyson::grin: emoji

Sanford:Don’t gloat.

Greyson:What can I say, I still have it?

Sanford:What are you talking about?

Greyson:I play music, and without prompting, she always dances.Maybe I’m a better musician than you are.

Sanford:Sure.:eye roll: emoji

Greyson:How’s the mission going?

Sanford:I can’t tell.

Greyson:I’m surprised you’re able to text.You usually remain off the grid until it’s over.

Sanford:This mission is slightly different.

Greyson:Have you crossed any names from the list?

Sanford:A few.Some we’ve found out are already gone.

Greyson:That’s good, isn’t it?


Greyson:Do you know when you’ll be here?

Sanford:Sooner than predicted.Have you heard anything from Aerin’s mom?

Greyson:No, should I?

Sanford:I heard she went to the academy last week, demanding answers.


Sanford:She thinks the biography is about her daughter.And Ainsley owes her some sort of explanation.

Greyson:At least she recognizes her daughter’s life.

Sanford:I want to make sure she stays away from Aerin.Lang is watching the bitch.Mrs.Carlton can be tenacious.

Greyson:This is why we should've gone to Malibu.

Sanford:You’re just trying to avoid your family.

Greyson:There’s that.Piper came to visit with Rhea.

Sanford:But I thought you loved your niece.

Greyson:I do, and I wouldn’t have minded as much if it’s just her.But they weren’t the only visitors.Then it was Mom, Grandpa Chris, Tucker, and his family ...the list is long.

Greyson:At least they came separately.It’s like they had a schedule.