Page 34 of The Symphony of Us

I swallow hard, taking in her words.“But your life is in New York.I wouldn’t want you to just uproot yourself.”

“A lot has changed in the past twenty-four hours,” I mumble.“Bill is dead.The apartment belonged to him.The only reason I live there is because I paid four hundred dollars a month—utilities included—for that place.I don’t earn enough to live in that state.”

Her lips press into a tight line, the ghost of a smile hanging in the air.“Not that this place is much different, but at least I have my family here to help me.”

“You have us,” I remind her.“You’re a part of us, and even if you decide we’re not worth keeping around, we’ll help you.”

She graces my cheek with a sweet kiss.“Don’t be ridiculous, Sanford.You are worth keeping.I’m surprised you’re not with anyone.I mean, there was that actress you went out with a couple of times.”

“That was just a publicity stunt.A favor to a friend.”

“You can’t tell me you haven’t gone out on dates,” she argues, a spark of curiosity in her eyes.

“There have been many blind dates orchestrated by Mom and my friends,” I admit with a shrug.

“How’s your mom doing?”She changes the conversation, and her lips curl into a soft smile. “Is your family okay?”

I nod.“They moved to Arizona.My siblings are all over the country studying or working.We can go on a road trip to visit them.”

“That would be nice.”Her eyes wander from my face to the lake “I forgot how incredible this view is.”

I sense that there’s more behind those words that she might not be ready to say.I yearn to help her plan her future right now.I could ask Lang to search for places where she can set up her office.But instead, I just enjoy the view and the moment.

We can’t do much until I’m done with the people on that list, and I know she’s safe.I don’t even know what will happen if we can’t find them and finish them all.Mason wants us to throw them in jail, but we probably need to eliminate some.A deal with them might just end up biting us in the ass—and we can’t afford to lose anyone.



During Aerin’sfirst year of college, the painful separation between us was overwhelming.

I still don’t know what happened or changed, but not being together drove us crazy to the point that we would fight just so one of us could fly to the other to make things better.Greyson was mostly in London, while Aerin was nestled into her studies in New York.As for me, I found myself hopping between cities all too frequently.

In our desperate search for a solution, we realized we needed a place to call home.Greyson bought a bigger flat so we could all have a bedroom.I bought a penthouse in New York, even when Aerin stayed in the apartment close to Juilliard—when we weren’t there.

That summer we came to search for a house.We all knew that Seattle would be where we wanted to start our lives once Grey and Aerin were done with college.It took us weeks to find just the right place.

We made certain that each of us had our own space for moments when we needed solitude.Yet, despite having our separate rooms, we never slept alone.We always ended up in the primary room—Aerin’s space.She had the biggest bed and ...well, she was there.

Tonight, when it’s time to say goodnight, we each head to our rooms though.I could stay outside or go downstairs to the music room, but I don’t want them to know I’m restless.

I could use some sex, but I have the gut feeling that Aerin has a sex embargo.Grey and I noticed the tightness in her voice when he hinted that we could eat her for dessert.I won’t lie, the prospect of licking her pussy makes me hard, but something tells me that she’s not ready.

There’s something underneath, but I won’t try to solve that puzzle until I’m back from the mission.Fuck, I should just put on some clothes and go for a run.It’s not like I’m going to be able to shut my eyes and fall asleep.

Aerin is just across the hallway.Grey is next door.I wonder if he’s just lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, just as I am.What if ...Suddenly, I hear a rustling sound emanating from outside my room.Curiosity grips me, propelling me out of bed and into a pair of gym shorts.

I cautiously follow the sound, my senses heightened.And there he is, Greyson, sliding the glass door and slipping into the backyard.Unsure of how to approach him, I contemplate returning to my room.

But I come to a halt when I remember Aerin’s earlier warning.No, it was more like a challenge.She doesn’t think I can handle their soul-deep scars.She doubts my ability to cope with the night terrors, the trauma they’ve suffered.I can’t promise with certainty that I’ll be able to offer the support they need, but I’m driven by the intense desire to at least make an earnest attempt.

And so, I walk to the backyard and find him sitting on one of the benches.His arms lay heavy on his knees, his head nestled in his hands.

“Are you okay?”I ask, my voice filled with concern.

He answers with a nod but keeps his eyes from meeting mine.Sitting next to him, I shift the conversation.“What’s going on?”

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping?You’re leaving tomorrow morning.”His reply skates across the icy silence between us, cleverly evading my question.