Page 45 of The Symphony of Us

Sanford:Thank you.What are your plans for tonight?

Greyson:I want sex, but I’ll probably have to settle for a rom-com with Ae.If she kicks me out of bed, I’ll go to your room and use my hand to reach some kind of happy ending.

Sanford:You’re not pressuring her, are you?

Greyson:I would never do that.I’m offended.

Sanford:Sorry.It’s driving me crazy not being there.

Sanford:Did you know about the emails she sent?

Greyson:I just learned today, and I won’t lie.I deleted them.I don’t want to know what I missed.

Sanford:It’s probably for the best.Fuck, I did miss her sunshine and butterfly kisses.

Greyson:I should write her an email just to get them ...Then again, I’m here and can get them in person.

Sanford:Is she still sore from yesterday?

Greyson:Yep, but I’m helping her with that, don’t worry about it.

Sanford:Check if she has medical insurance, and if not, ask Lang to set her up, please.

Greyson:That’s already covered.I’m on top of everything.

Sanford:Not on top of me, but we can fix that when I return.

Greyson:Anytime, babe, I’ll be here waiting.

Sanford:If I wasn’t busy later tonight, I would propose some sexting or SexCall.

Greyson:Tell me when you’re ready, and I’ll be here waiting.

Sanford:Hey, it’s time for us to go, but I’ll try to message you when we’re back.

Greyson:Be careful, okay?

Sanford:Love you.


To:[email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Communication and babies.

I didn’t think about this address until Greyson mentioned it last night.

I will keep this short and sweet because I haven’t had any sleep, promising that once I’m rested, I’ll respond.

Babies?We can talk about them once everything settles down.I have the feeling that you have some kind of sex embargo going.Is there something I can do to help you with that?And I don’t mean it in a sexual way.

Thank you for the sunshine, love, and butterfly kisses.Missed them just as I’ve missed you.
