Page 43 of The Symphony of Us

Sanford:It wouldn’t surprise me.

Greyson:Aunt Ainsley said she’d come tomorrow.

Sanford:I wouldn’t be surprised if someone told me that she’s the one who created said schedule.

Greyson:Can we go to Malibu?

Sanford:Did you suggest that to Aerin?

Greyson:Yeah, and she said she doesn’t have time.Next Wednesday she’s visiting my grandfather’s practice.They might let her work there—while she works for her counseling license.

Sanford:They’re assimilating her, she’s going to become a Decker soon.

Greyson:She’s already a Decker, just like you.My family is scary.

Sanford:Hey, I need to go.Tell Aerin to keep her phone on while I’m gone.I really want to talk to her.Miss you.

Greyson:You got it.Miss you too.


To:[email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Phones and communication

Is this thing still on?

We were wondering how we can communicate with you while you were gone.You might wonder why?

Well, I’m not planning on keeping my phone on after 8.It’s a thing I do to wind down and disconnect from the outside world.And so, we brainstormed about the ways we could communicate while you’re gone.

I asked Greyson if the Coopcroft server was still functioning.According to his cousin, Nate, it is up and running.So, here I am, sending you my first message.Well, not the first.

Remember when you asked me if I had contacted you before?

I did a few times—check your unread emails.Now, I wonder what would’ve happened if you had checked them.It doesn’t matter, though.Not that it matters.

Did he tell you I danced yesterday?

I might try again tomorrow.Today I’m resting my sore muscles.I should just dump myself in one of those ice buckets they use for athletes and see if that’ll help me feel better.

Last night, I was writing in my journal about the past couple of days.I’m trying to catch up with every event.I woke up to a lazy day off and ended up in my old house with you and Greyson.

They say life can change in the blink of an eye, but the way things shifted ...I feel like my brain has to catch up with my soul, and my heart is just confused as fuck.

In case you’re wondering if there’s something I haven’t told you or anyone, there is.I met some of Grey’s nieces and nephews.And maybe someday I want to have a baby.

What’s happening in your world?

Sending sunshine, love, and butterfly kisses,



Greyson:Check your SB@Coopcroft email.Did you know it was still working?