Page 16 of The Symphony of Us

“I get it.It’s hard to forgive and forget what broke us, but then, what are we doing with the rest of our lives?”I shrug.“Yeah, I go out, save people, return home to an eerily empty house, and miss the hell out of you two.I get the feeling we all do that in our own ways.Grey helps his family.You do your thing.”

“It’s fulfilling,” she says.

“She won,” I say, the bitter taste of defeat lingering on my tongue.

Aerin frowns, her brows in confusion.“What?”

“Fucking Enya won.She wanted to break you, to guarantee you would never find happiness again.”I clap, the sound echoing hollowly in the room.“Kudos to the bitch.She made it happen.She destroyed us all.We’re shattered to the point of dust, and we’re not even willing to make an effort to come together again.”

I run a hand through my hair.“One day, Greyson, who’s lost his will to live, will just find a way to fade away.I’ll be on the other end of a dreaded phone call, learning that we’ve lost him for good because he believed he didn’t deserve help, that he only deserved death.And you?You’ll be mending others because you couldn’t fix the bitch—hopefully, you’ll find someone new to love.”

“But he does,” she mumbles.“Grey deserves happiness.He’s the most kind, selfless person in the world.”

I shrug.“He needs to realize that himself—to rediscover his worth.But I’m clueless about how to help him find his way back.More so when he refuses to let me in.”

Her eyes clench shut, and she takes a shaky breath.“Can you seriously live with the scars we carry?”

“Aerin, when I told you I loved you forever, I meant forever.Yeah, you might not bein lovewith me now and vice versa, but just give us a chance to fall back in love with each other again.”I swallow, the words sticking in my throat.“Give the three of us that fighting chance.”

“Us three,” she mumbles, almost as if tasting the words.“We can’t make him love us.”

I scoff, a harsh, bitter sound.Because I know that better than anyone.

Her phone rings, piercing the heavy silence.She groans.“It’s the center.I may need to go to work.”

She steps out of the room, her voice muffled as she talks.When she returns, she asks, “Could you drop me off in the city?”

As she gives me the name of the place, I recognize it immediately.

“What’s wrong with it?”she asks.

“Greyson checked in there earlier.”

She heaves a sigh that echoes the weight of the world.“That’s probably the stubborn patient who refuses to speak to anyone.”

A wry chuckle escapes me.“Good luck with him.”

She shakes her head.“I can’t treat him, but I have to go and see what’s happening.”

“Could you at least pass on a message for me?”

She shakes her head again.“That’s not allowed.”

“He needs to know I’m on a mission.Please.It’s important.”

She rolls her eyes but finally relents.“Fine.I’ll make an attempt to talk to him just to give him your message.”

As I drop Aerin off at the center, I can’t help but glance at the building, a knot of unease forming in my stomach.Something doesn’t feel right.There’s a silence that hangs in the air, a silence that feels like the calm before the storm.

When I reach out to touch her arm, she turns to me, her eyes meeting mine with a question.“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Aerin,” I admit.“Promise me you’ll be careful.”

She gives me a small smile, squeezing my hand in reassurance.“I will, San.”

This time, I kiss her hard as if it’s the last time because what if something happens to either one of them?Maybe I’m wrong, and it’s just part of the trauma I carry after I left them.

“I love you,” I say, praying that she doesn’t respond with something like, we’re not together.

Thankfully, all she says is, “Come back safe, big guy.”