Page 76 of Exception

“So, can I give you my two cents…a little wisdom from an old lady?” It’s my turn to nod. “You did the right thing by coming here. By facing this barrier that you’ve erected in your mind as a means of protection all those years ago. By coming here you’ve knocked it down. It doesn’t make you weak for breaking your promise. And Chase will see that you made this trip for him. If that doesn’t show him how you feel, I don’t know what will. And if there is one thing I know, it’s that life is so short. You have to grab on to the things that make you happy…and cling.”

“I hate it here,” I whisper, feeling the backs of my eyes sting.

“I know you do, but you missed him enough to make the trip. He’s going to be delighted to see you waiting here for him.”

After parting ways with Gina, I linger by the baggage claim until Chase shows up. The minute my eyes find him, my stomach drops in nervous anticipation, hoping like hell he doesn’t reject me. Those eyes I’m obsessed with meet mine and his mouth parts in shock before pulling up into a surprised smile.

“Holden?” he bellows.

“It’s me,” I say with lame jazz hands.

And without another word, he jogs toward me and pulls me into a hug, his strong body crushing mine.

“Fuck, I missed you so bad. I can’t believe you’re here. You’re really here?”

His voice cracks as he presses his lips into my neck, and I inhale his scent, his goodness. I am going to cling, like Gina said.

“I’m here,” I reply, and he sighs.

“Thank fuck.” We hold on to each other for a minute before he pulls away. “Where are your things?”

“Just this duffel bag,” I say and then shift on my feet.

“Perfect. Ginny is going to be so happy to meet you.”

I freeze, not quite realizing the ramifications of my journey until right now. “And your parents? What will they think? Oh fuck…did I ruin this? Should I not have come?”

Chase wets his lips and swallows. “Nah, Holden…I am so fucking happy you’re here.”

And that’s all he says as he leads me to grab his bag. He holds on to my hand tightly. As if he thinks I’m gonna run off and hitch a flight back to the island. I’m not. Doesn’t he know that I don’t do this, that I don’t get on planes and fly randomly? I stay where I am. I stay on the island. There’s a reason for that. And yet, here I am. For him.

“Who is picking you up?” I ask.

“My sister.”

My eyebrows rise at that and Chase smiles at me.

“She will love you. Promise. I told her a bit about myfriend.”

I glance down at our intertwined hands.

“She’ll get the hint. She’s a smart kid,” he says, like it’s no big deal. Like his coming out to his family is nothing, when for me it was catastrophic. The way my mother screamed at me….

“Chase,” I say, trying to dislodge my hand, but he holds on tighter, the bones in my fingers creaking slightly.

“I mean it, Holden. You’re it for me. I’m not ashamed. I might not be able to explain it, but they’ll see…they’ll understand once they meet you.”

I don’t believe him, but I let him lead me out to the curb where a few minutes later a blue sedan pulls up. A young blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl rolls down the window and shoutshellobefore bounding out and crushing herself to Chase.

“I knew you’d make it!”

“Had some delays, but yeah, I’m here,” Chase mutters as he pats her back gently.

I just watch it all, wishing I had someone like this to love me, wanting to know, for just a moment, what that would feel like.

“Who isthis?” she emphasizes the last word, and I feel my cheeks flush.

“This is Holden,” Chase says, almost sounding proud. He reaches out and entwines his fingers with mine. “Holden, this is my sister, Ginny.”