Page 71 of Exception

“Yep. Repair a hole every week usually.”

His eyebrows fly up. “You don’t say?”

“I do say. It’s fucking wild out here. These rich folk are something else.”

“Yeah, they are. But you get used to their wild ways. When you have money like that, you get bored….”

The way he says it has my brain stuttering.

“Was your family rich?” I ask, and Holden shrugs.

“Something like that.”

I stare at him, feeling like a little bit more of him has been exposed to me. And I wanna know it all. He already knows everything about me, picking my brain about my childhood, about my family, about my time playing football. And I want to know more about him, about his family, about where he grew up. He’s reluctant to share, and I’m reluctant to push because it seems like a sensitive subject. But he seems to have tossed me a breadcrumb. Gonna follow the ones he gives me until I have all the answers.

I bite down on my bottom lip and then pull him into me, hugging him tightly.

“I want to know more about this, Holden, but if we stay in here a minute longer, Devon is gonna lose his shit.”

“Yeah, he’s been pissy lately,” he says and then walks over to dispose of his condom. I watch it, and the thought of never having to use one again, of having him fuck me bare, ofmefuckinghimbare makes my entire body flame. I want that so damn bad. As soon as I have a chance, I’m making an appointment at the clinic on the island to be tested. I am so fucking ready.

I pull up my pants and help Holden clean up my mess, my ass twinging from the fuck he just gave me. And when we move out of the bathroom a few minutes later, Devon is standing there, his arms folded across his chest, his brow furrowed.

The mustache he’s growing on his upper lip twitches. Well, half of it anyways. This morning he accidentally shaved part of it off, which has put him in a sour mood all day. Don’t know how he managed it or why he hasn’t shaved it off completely. Half a ’stache looks kind of silly.

I divert my eyes from the atrocity on his face and meet his glower. “You better have cleaned up your mess. Molly is coming in here—”

“It’s all good, ” I interrupt, and Devon’s eyes narrow even more.

Well, he has nothing to worry about. I respect Molly. My aunt is a cleaning lady. I know how hard it can be. I’m not gonna leave my jizz all over like an asshole.

“It better be. Now go…” He waves his hand in front of his face, looking far too annoyed. “Just go look happy somewhere else.”

He glowers at us once more and then stalks away.

“Still mad about his mustache?” Holden asks with a snicker and my lips twitch in response.

“I think he was growing it for Molly. Always trying to impress her, not that she seems to notice. But yeah, there’s that costume party tonight that he’s all excited for, and I think he was gonna make his move.” In fact, I heard him murmuring about showing off his muscles and on his break yesterday, he was doing some sit-ups. When I asked him what he was doing, he snapped at me to mind my own business.

“Mm, and are you gonna dress up?” Holden asks as we walk outside and breathe in the salty ocean air. The sun is bright and hot against our skin.

“Yep. Eighties themed. Can’t wait.”

Holden glosses over my feigned enthusiasm. I couldn’t give two shits about costume parties. They sound dreadful. I’d much rather spend my time at nude night. Ogling my man.

Holden waggles his eyebrows. “Just wait until you see what I show up in. It’s homoerotic.”

I feel my entire body warm at the thought, and, as if he knows what he does to me, Holden just smirks.

“So now that I gave you a hint about what I’m gonna show up in, you gonna tell me what you’re going to wear? Does it have something to do with this atrocious mustache?”

I run my fingers over the hair on my upper lip. “It’s not atrocious. It’s sexy.”

Holden snorts. “Yeah, sexy is one word for it.”

My eyebrows meet. “Well, I can shave it off after tonight. Don’t think Devon will want to see me with it when his looks so…sad.”

Holden reaches behind me and squeezes my ass. “Yeah, well, I think you’re fine as fuck no matter what. So wear the ’stache if you want. I can’t wait to see what you’re wearing tonight. Just make sure to not be too sexy. I don’t want to have to fend everyone off.”