Page 12 of Exception

I fiddle with my baseball cap on my head, spinning it so it sits forward and then pulling it down low over my eyes.

“Let me guess,” he says when I take a seat at the bar. “You’re a beer kind of guy?”

I nod and he cocks his head. “Do you trust me?” he asks.

I don’t, not really. I barely know the guy.

“Sure,” I grunt, and he smiles at me.

“Oh, then let me make you a drink I think you’ll like.”

I don’t know how he knows what I like, but I let him do it anyways.

He smirks at me and then reaches out and twists my baseball cap backward.

“Like it better this way,” he says and then flicks my nose gently.

He moves away from me, and I watch as he interacts with a few other patrons—rich kids in fancy clothes. I glance down at my worn t-shirt and realize that I need to buy something a little nicer. I look rumpled. A little sweaty too. I hoofed it over to this bar. It was a long walk but I didn’t know how else to get over to this side of the island.

I need to ask about the golf carts and being able to use them on my own.

There has to be transportation for us poor folks, right?

My eyes swivel to Holden as he leans over the bar top, his lips turned up in a sensual smile. Some young guy with curly blond hair, wearing a green skirt is smiling back at him, and I wonder again, for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, if he’s going to fuck him. I mean, he could. The dude is dressed like a girl. He could flip that skirt up and bend him over quite easily.


I don’t want to think about that.

I won’t think about that.

I peel my eyes away and see a woman in her early twenties sidle up to me, the one from the hallway yesterday.

Oh hell. She knows my dirty little secret. This island is like a small town. I’m sure rumors spread like wildfire.

“Hey there,” she says with a side-smile, her brown hair pulled up into a ponytail. She looks very put-together. Unlike me.

“Hi,” I say, giving her a small, awkward wave.

“You here for Holden?” she asks, and I shake my head.


She eyes me and then nudges me. “I wouldn’t blame you if you were.”

I shake my head again, my fingers curling into the stool I’m sitting on. “Just getting a drink.”

She doesn’t look convinced. I am not very convincing. Should have seen me try to debate things in school. It was a sad state of affairs.

“Ah, well, doesn’t matter. I’m Polly.”

She holds out her dainty hand, and I take it, shaking it gently.

“I’m Chase.”

“Yeah, Devon said. And let me tell you, I’m fabulous with names.”

I allow a small smile to slip out of me. Just this once. I can make friends while I’m here. I’m not a total loser. Most days.