Page 73 of Exception

Maybe now that I’ve been fucking another man I just feel the need to touch all guys. Who the hell knows at this point?

“Sorry, don’t know why I did that. They just look like big watermelons.”

Devon eyes me. “You think? Molly loves watermelons.”

Just as he utters her name, I hear a frustrated howl and see Bob running away, Molly’s big blonde Dolly Parton wig in his hand.

“Bob stole my hair!” Molly cries, and Devon leaps into action, bolting forward, scrambling to save the day.

I just watch him go, thinking that there is a good chance that he doesn’t catch Bob. He’s wily and fast. He can outsmart humans any day. I mean, how long has he been sneaking around and stealing people’s shit? Decades probably. Probably started when he rowed over in his canoe.

Devon disappears entirely into the jungle, Molly standing next to me in the moonlight, her body shaking with laughter. “He went full-on Rocky over this,” she huffs, and I eye her.

“Do you blame him? He is head over heels for you,” I tell her, not even feeling bad for uttering this well-known secret. It’s so damn obvious how he feels about her, no one could miss it. “And he grew out that mustache just for you.”

She smirks a little. “It keeps getting smaller and smaller. He looks like Hitler now.”

A loud laugh escapes me. “Yeah, well, if anything, he’s not a quitter…”

Molly chuckles and folds her arms across her chest. “He did go bolting after Bob when Clifton just stood there.” She looks over her shoulder and rolls her eyes. “He is something to look at, but fuck, he’s boring. I don’t care about Warhammer. Half the time he’s muttering words that aren’t real.”

Before I mutter a response, we hear a screech in the distance, and Molly’s eyebrows meet. “Maybe I should go in there and tell him not to worry about the hair. Because yeah, I had that wig shipped over, but I don’t want him to make Bob angry.”

She’s worrying her bottom lip now, looking slightly distressed. But before she can move into the jungle, Devon comes out, the wig triumphantly in his hand, a bruise forming on his forehead.

“What in the world happened to you?” Molly mutters but then bites back the rest of her comment at the grin Devon’s displaying.

“Don’t know how, but I did it!” He’s preening, his chest puffed out, his breath coming out in short pants. He hands the shredded wig to Molly who cradles it to her chest. “He threw a coconut at my head, but then I lobbed it right back, and he dropped the damn thing. Was pretty pissed. Chased me halfway here and then threw a banana at me, but I fucking did it.”

He looks so pleased and so damn silly that Molly visibly melts. I back away slowly when I see the hearts come out of her eyes. Not quite sure what their story is, but I know that they have feelings for each other. Big ones.

Kind of like the ones I have for Holden.

I glance over and see Holden walking toward me, two drinks in his hands. Yeah, I understand exactly how Devon feels about Molly. Because the way my heart is thumping in my chest doesn’t lie.

I am so into him.

“What happened?” Holden asks, and I pull him in for a long, wet kiss.

“Devon rescued a wig from Bob.”

“Is that why he’s glowering from the trees? Or is it because he saw us kissing just now?”

Glancing behind us, I see Bob watching us, a pair of boxers around his waist, the flip-flop missing. He waves at me and I wave back, not quite sure what the hell is going on, but feeling kind of bad that he lost Flip. Or was it Flop?

Not quite sure.

“Come on, let’s go dance,” Holden says, tugging me toward the group of employees huddled by the fire, their bodies swaying in time with the music.

I glance back and see that Molly and Devon are no longer visible and Bob has disappeared. But those thoughts flit away as soon as Holden is pressed up against me, his body arching into mine. He’s all I can feel. He’s all I can see.

It’s just him and me.

And when we stumble back into his apartment hours later, sweaty and a little drunk, we peel ourselves out of our clothes, and I press my dick into him. I nearly whisper that I love him in that moment, but I bite it back.

Don’t wanna push him too far too fast. We can take it slow. We have all the time in the world.I love youcan wait.

I will be as patient as needed. I’d wait an eternity for him.