Page 50 of Exception

And that’s it, those words hang between us until finally, Holden stands up and moves away.

“I have um….plans later,” he says, and I bob my head, pushing myself up onto unsteady feet.

“Yeah. Me too. Should go.”

Holden’s brows slam together as he watches me from across his apartment, his colorful space that just feels like him. I want to stay here and never leave, want to burrow myself beneath the covers and hold on to him until morning.

But he doesn’t want me here. I kissed him, and he told me he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t do me.

“Gotbigplans,” I add, knowing that it sounds like a lie and now I’m gonna have to follow up on it. I’m gonna have to prove that I do, indeed, have big plans.

Holden shifts on his feet as I move toward the door.

“Thanks again. Won’t bother you anymore.”

And then I step out into the hall and listen as the door swings shut behind me.

Fuck this day. I followed this man into the ocean and got rejected, and got stung by a jellyfish, and got pissed on. And unlocked a new kink apparently.

A Holden kink.

And he wants nothing to do with me or my lips.

I glance behind me at his apartment and sigh. I need to shower and find something to do tonight so I don’t seem like such a loser.

Gonna figure out a way to forget about this man and his butt.

If I could leave South Dakota and fly across the globe to a remote island, I can manage to get over my itty-bitty crush on this man. I can do it.

I know I can.



He said he hadbig plansand part of me didn’t believe him, and yet here he is, on the beach, dancing sensually with another man. The music pulses around us, the night sky littered with stars, and all I can see is Chase, pressed against someone else.

This is worse than Polly. The way they’re moving is straight-up porn. I didn’t even know Chase was capable of that. He looks more like the type to do the lawn mower or maybe the sprinkler. I didn’t think he could move his hips likethat.

And I know who he’s dancing with, a rich little prick from the resort. He comes here every year and flirts with everyone endlessly. I know what he wants from Chase. It’s obvious. I want to sling sand into his eyes and rub it in with my palms. Want to dig those grains right into his pretty little sockets.

“Jett sure is a good dancer,” Atlas says in my ear, and I clench my teeth so hard they feel like they’re gonna break. That rich brat needs to fuck off. He shouldn’t be dancing with the help. It should be forbidden…not that I haven’t fucked some of the rich dicks here, but still…with Chase it should be banned. It shouldn’t be allowed. He’s too innocent, too good. I need to look into setting up a new work policy.

“He’s terrible,” I grind out and wrench my gaze away from the two of them, only for it to return a moment later. Chase is rolling his hips in a way that is far too inappropriate, and Jett looks like he’s having the time of his life, his gropey hands all over Chase’s big wide chest, his bottom lip curled under his teeth. He’s probably trying to figure out the best way to climb him.

He has plans, I’m sure. Plans between the sheets with Chase, who looks far too hot right now. Where did he find such a tight shirt? It looks painted on. That, too, should be illegal. I’m changing all the work policies now. Just a major overhaul.

“Chase looks ridiculous,” I say, and Atlas cocks his head, eyeing him.

“He looks hot to me. I mean, who knew a guy that big could move like that.”

“Oh, go fuck yourself,” I say, nudging him with my elbow, and Atlas chuckles, taking far too much pleasure in my pain. And that’s what it is. Pain. Physical torture. Never experienced this before, and I hate it.

“He does. That big body…”

“Divert your eyes,” I mutter as I watch Jett’s hands move down Chase’s back toward his butt. I thought it was bad seeing him with Polly, but now I want to revolt at seeing those fingers inch toward that ass.
