Page 47 of Exception

If that doesn’t scream serious, I don’t know what does.

“There, that’s better,” Polly says, pulling my mind back to the task at hand. “Less greasy.”

I stand up, and she hands me a towel. I rub it against my chest and head, wiping away the water droplets that are lining my skin.

“You know, a few years ago, I met someone here on the island and it was so fucking good between us…”


“Yeah, but I never told them how I felt, and they eventually left. I don’t want you to have the same regrets, Chase. I don’t want you to look back on your time here and wish you’d at least said something.”

I swallow loudly because neither do I.

“So, you gonna go talk to him then?” she asks, and I bob my head more enthusiastically.

Yeah. Gonna go talk to him, but first I’m gonna have to find him, and I have no idea where he was off to when we passed him in the hallway. Hopefully he’s not on his way to get fucked. Again.

That would be a bummer.

But even if he was, that’s not my problem. We aren’t exclusive. We aren’tanything.

I just need to find him first so we can talk. Then we can discuss what this is and what this means.

“I have a plan,” I tell Polly, and she pats my chest.

“That’s right, you do. You go get him, lure him in with that gorgeous shiny hair of yours.”

I tap the top of my head with my hand and sigh. Yeah, gotta give him something to get excited about. Maybe my conditioned locks will be just the thing.

* * *

I findHolden in the ocean, my eyes honed in on him from the shore. The sun is starting to set but I can see him clearly, like a beacon in the night. His clothes are lying on the beach, and I temporarily stand guard, wondering where Bob is and if he’s gonna make off with these as well.

One day, we’re going to find that monkey’s stash of stolen goods and put him in jail. He has a list of crimes a mile long, I’m sure. Prosecution would be swift and just. A jury of his peers would surely find him guilty.

I stare down at Holden’s clothes tossed haphazardly on the sand and note the boxers lying there in the middle of them, and I swallow so hard my throat clicks. That means Holden is out there naked.

My dick plumps up, and I sigh, needing to get a grip but knowing that it’s impossible now that I’m thinking about it. I want him. Now. I’m gonna tell him how I feel—gonna show him.

Pulling my shirt over my head, I place it down on the ground near Holden’s stuff. Maybe Bob will leave our things alone if they’re piled together. It does seem like he picks on me, like he singles me out on purpose. I wonder if feeding him the sandy cheese gave him an even bigger vendetta against me. Or maybe he’s still having the shits and is in a tree somewhere trying to get his bowels under control.

I glance behind me at the jungle and feel a pinch in my chest. Still feel a little bad about that. Need to be more careful with the monkey. He’s a little shit, but I don’t wanna harm him.

Turning my gaze back to the water, I shuck off my pants, leaving my underwear on just in case Bob decides to make off with my clothes. Walking home with my shirt around my waist the other day was a low point for me.

Bending down, I dig a small hole and hide my flip-flops in the sand because I don’t want to end up at the store buying another pair. The woman there was eyeing me with suspicion. Probably thinks I have a flip-flop kink now. Don’t need to give her any more ideas than I’m sure she already has.

With my sandals safely tucked away, I trudge into the warm water, my eyes locked in on Holden who is past the crest of waves and floating on his back. I can barely make him out—just his face and the bulge of his cock bobbing above the waves.

He’s lying out there like shark food. Or maybe bird food. Dicks can look like juicy worms if you squint your eyes, and I’m not sure what a bird’s eyesight is like. Don’t know what they see with those beady eyes.

Makes me nervous that Holden’s not paying attention to what’s around him or below him or above him.

I wade into the water, and it laps at my chest. Something slides past my leg, but I ignore it, moving farther and farther into the ocean.

Pretty soon I’m slicing through the water, my gaze straight ahead and aimed at him. And he must hear me coming because he turns his head and our gazes lock. Oh fuck, he’s gorgeous, so goddamn pretty. I wanna taste him, just a little nibble. Maybe instead of talking about how I feel, I can show him.

I shouldn’t do it, but then again, I’ve done all sorts of things on this island that I shouldn’t have.