Page 46 of Exception

She’s back to wheezing, doubled over, her face red. Well, I’m glad to be of some entertainment. At least my weird compulsion to suddenly have my balls hairless is making someone happy.

“I can’t believe you. Why did you do that?”

I am not telling her a single thing. It’s far too embarrassing.

When she sees my red cheeks, she’s back to laughing again, swatting her hand against her thigh and crossing her legs like she’s gonna pee her pants. Well, maybe if she pees her pants then I’ll tell her about my butthole wax. Only to make her feel better.

A few minutes later, when she finally stands up and breathes deeply, she pats my shoulder. “I am so sorry. That was so rude, but I needed a good laugh. And man, you delivered.”

I can’t help the goofy grin spreading my lips wide. “Yeah, guess I’m glad then.”

“Come on,” she says and grabs my arm, leading me back toward the apartment complex. “Let’s wash your hair out, and I’ll show you how to use conditioner therightway.”

I trudge along after her and as we round a corner in the lobby, I see Holden walking toward us. He’s blessedly alone, no Cade to be found, but his lips look a little too red and plump, and I swear to god he looks a little rumpled. He better not have done what I think he’s done.

“Hi, Holden,” Polly says, far too chipper, and Holden’s gaze travels down my arm to where our bodies are connected. His lips purse and his nostrils flare.

“Hi,” he says finally after a long pause. “Where are you off to?”

His eyes meet mine, and I cock my head, already confused. Why does he look upset? If anyone should be upset, it should be me because it looks like Holden has been thoroughly fucked. I just look greasy and shiny.

“Just to Chase’s place,” Polly responds when I just continue to stare at Holden, watching his chest heave. His hand presses against his heart, and I wonder what that’s about. Is his heart acting up again?

Is he stressed?

“Cool,” Holden says and then pushes past us, his shoulders stiff, his hand curled across his chest. And I can’t help but watch him go, my eyes swiveling to that ass as he disappears out the door and into the balmy afternoon.

“Got it bad, huh?” Polly asks, and I just nod. Because yeah, I do. Got it real bad for this guy. And he doesn’t even like me right now. He serves me dark ales and scowls at me when he sees me, and I don’t even know what I did to make him mad.

“He’s jealous,” Polly explains softly, leading me to my door and holding my wrist up to the keyless lock. It beeps and she pushes the door open.

“He doesn’t look jealous to me.”

“Well, I know these things. He looked furious that I was with you. He probably thinks we’re together.”

“But we’re not.”

“No, genius. We aren’t, but he doesn’t know that. For all he knows, we’re coming back here to have sex.”

I scrunch up my face because even though Polly is cute, I’m not interested in her like that. Fuck, she knows that, right?

“Don’t worry, I know you’re not into me, and to be honest, you’re not really my type either.”

“Ah, yeah, good.” It’s all I can say as she grabs my hand and leads me into the bathroom. She reaches out and turns on the shower, her hand sliding under the spray to test it.

“It seems to me, you and Holden need to have a little talk about things.”

“He doesn’t wanna talk. Tried talking earlier and he told me he was gonna fuck someone else and that I could join in.”

Her eyebrows rise at that. Yeah, Polly, me too. That’s not how I expected that afternoon to go either, but here we are.

She reaches down and helps me pull my shirt over my head and then points to the water. “Stick your head under there. I’m gonna wash the conditioner out.”

I do as I’m told, feeling her fingers move through the strands of my hair, and while she’s lathering my head up, my mind strays to Holden. Sexy fucking Holden, with those legs and that ass.

He’s jealous? Of Polly?

It seems obvious that I need to talk to him and soon. I mean, I got my balls waxed for him. My hole.