Page 34 of Exception

God, this is like something out of a movie. A secluded waterfall in the middle of a tropical rainforest on an island. A hot dude, naked and emerging beneath the rushing water. Birds chirping evilly in the background.

The bag on my arm slips off and falls to the ground as Holden stands beneath the waterfall and lets the water cascade down his head and chest like some soap commercial.

I’d so buy that soap. Lather it all over me and then jack off with my fist in my mouth.

Masturbation is a sin.

So is sunscreen.

I’m going to hell.

Holden’s eyes are closed, his hands running through his wet hair, and fuck, he looks good. I want to run my lips across his chest, up his neck, and press them against his mouth.

There is so much I want to try. I want to sin with this man.

Suddenly, his eyes pop open and meet mine, and I fall backward onto my ass.

Oh shit, he saw me lurking behind the fern.

I scramble back and try to crawl away, but the damn bag is tangled up in a root, and fuck, I can’t leave my flip-flops. They’re a part of who I am. I’m a beach bum now. A gay one too, apparently. Or maybe bisexual. Or just a dude who really likes anal.

Holden’s anal.

But still.

“Chase!” he calls out, and I lift my hand up. I’m sure all he can see is my fingers waggling above the green plant, and I know that I look ridiculous, but I can’t help myself. I’m too embarrassed.

Embarrassed that I followed him all this way and didn’t say a thing, that I’ve let things progress as far as they have. Embarrassed that I’m embarrassed in the first place. I need to fly back to South Dakota and hide in a barn.

“Come in!” he says loudly, and I peek over the leaves to see Holden smiling at me, looking sexy as fuck.

I shouldn’t. This is my era of saying no.

I am gonna say no.

“Okay,” I reply, even though he can’t hear me.

I manage to dislodge the root currently trying to steal my flip-flops and walk over to the pool of water.

“Take them off. Come on.”

I hesitate a moment before realizing that everyone’s already seen me naked when I became king of the jungle, and I’m sure they wouldn’t even blink twice at the sight. And to be honest, it’s not much to look at anyways. Not when Holden is here for comparison. I’m just a pale blob next to this guy. No one would even glance at me.

I reach back and pull my shirt up over my head, letting it drop onto a rock, and then unzip my jeans. Holden’s eyes darken as he watches me slide them down my thighs, and I swear to god, he licks his lips.

I immediately shut that image down because I may have said yes to this, but I am definitely saying no tothat.

I am. I have the will of a lion. I am strong and mighty, just call me Simba.

“No sex,” I say loudly, scaring the birds. They twitter above me, chastising me for my tone. One poops near my foot. It probably tried to aim for my head but missed.

Well, I’m sorry, but I’m not going there while they look on. It’s bad enough that Bob is somewhere up there with my flip-flop, eating a banana all sensually. The birds don’t need a show. This island is creepy as fuck.

My eyes catch on something flicking in the water, and I gulp.

“Are there fish in the water?” I ask, and Holden smiles at me.

“Maybe, but they won’t bite.”