“Turn around,” he orders.
Dazed and a little confused, I spin and prop my elbows against the rail. A couple stories down, a few guards patrol outside the castle.
Sin nudges the inside of my ankle with his boot. “Widen your stance.”
I obey, walking my feet out so I’m spread a little farther. “Someone could hear us,” I say, looking at the guards chortling with each other as they make their rounds beneath us.
“Good, then they’ll knowyou’re mine.Wren—what a pretty name. Let’s see if you sing like one too.”
His fingers plunge back into me, and I can’t stifle the moan that rips from my chest as he fills my emptiness. He reaches underneath me and palms my aching breast with his other hand, and I call out as he squeezes it, my head falling back to rest against his shoulder, his own sounds of approval vibrating in my ear. I arch my back, grinding my hips against his, feeling his arousal jutting into me as he thrusts his fingers in and out of me in a rhythmic cadence. I press my ass against him harder, surely soaking the front of his pants with my wetness, and a sound of approval rattles from his chest.
“That’s it, take your pleasure. Fuck my fingers.”
Goddess above,I’ll come to his voice alone if he keeps talking like that. He curls his fingers up to hit that spot and oh—OH!
“Just like that, love. That’s a good fucking girl,” he growls in my ear. “Lean back and sing for me, Wren.”
I clench around him as the rush of pleasure shatters me and I come undone in a thousand pieces, Sin’s name falling from my lips as I ride out my release. And when the euphoria finally fades, I right myself and my nightgown, letting it swish back over my thighs. Sin holds his hand up, admiring my cum glistening and stretching between his fingers, and then takes them both into his mouth. He sucks me off his fingers with a sound of approval, his lips making a loudpopwhen he slides them from his mouth.
“If you taste like this every time you come, you’re going to be a very addictive problem, little witch.”
Fucking hell. I reach to unfasten his pants, but he pins my hand under his.
“No,” he snarls, frustrated.
My brows furrow, but before I can ask why, he says, “I can’t let you do that so long as I have you tethered to me. It’s not…” he lets out a long groan, “it’s not fucking right.”
“But I want to,” I insist. And judging from the huge bulge straining against his pants, he wants it too.
Sin leans forward and rests his forehead against mine, blowing out a long breath. “There is nothing I want more than to make you scream my name until you’re hoarse in the throat, but regardless of what you want right now, you’re here against your will. I won’t go further until you can make that choice fully of your own volition.”
I drop my hands back to my sides. “You’re serious? So where does that leave us now?”
He lifts his head and bites his lip, and the sight of that alone could probably make me orgasm again. “It leavesyoucrawling that sweet ass back into bed and getting your rest so you keep us all from dying tomorrow. And it leavesmereturning to my chambers so I can take my own release with the taste of you still in my mouth.”
He cocks his head and brushes his lips across the corner of my mouth without actually kissing me there, westillhave not kissed on the mouth, and then turns and heads for the door. Like he did earlier when I should have let him leave. Not call after him and especially not consent to doing what we just did.
But I’m really glad I did becauseGoddess help me,I haven’t come like that in… well… ever.
Sin hovers in the doorway before leaving and bids me a final glance over his shoulder. “Who knew the stars tasted so fucking sweet?”
And with that, he closes the door behind him, and I swipe the vial off the table and inhale it as I slip my own fingers back inside my depth.
Ialways knew I might find myself at war with the kingdom one day. That eventually the day would come where I would have to stop running, stop hiding, and fight. But I never expected to be fightingwiththe kingdom, and certainly not with the Black Art at my side.
We are the epicenter of his army.
Sin and I stand side by side, half of his army spread through the city at our front and the other at our backs. My cuirass with the black winged pauldrons is fitted snugly against my core, steel plates protect my legs, and matching winged gauntlets hug my forearms. The sword Sin had forged for me hangs in anticipation at my waist, my dagger tucked into its holster, and my magic hissing in my palms like a viper that has just been stepped on. I look over at him and find him already staring at me.
“Ever think you’d find yourself trusting a bloodwitch in battle?” I taunt, hoping to ease both our nerves.
Sin maintains a calm, stoic appearance, but his collective rumbles with unease and restlessness. “Probably about as much as you thought you could trust someone inouruniform.”
“I see you put on real armor today,” I tease, looking pointedly at where he usually wears nothing but a steel plate over his bare chest. Sin is fitted in his own suit of blackened plated armor with twin swords strapped across his back. His long hair is secured into a loose bun at the nape of his neck, a few loose hairs framing the sides of his face.
“I had to cover up a little today, didn’t want you getting your head lopped off because you were distracted.”