His mouth widens into a tight-lipped grin as if he plucks the thought right from my head.
“I don’t trust you,” I contend, mainly to try to snatch that smile straight from his lips. But it only widens farther, and a new trail of fear slithers around my bones when he answers.
“Good. Because you really,reallyshouldn’t.”
Ihave never worn armor a day in my life, though I suppose the linen gambeson vest River brought me isn’t exactlyarmor, but still a protective layer between myself and the weapons we will wield today. I turn in the mirror—to the left, then to the right—trying to find a stance I can rest in that doesn’t make me feel completely ridiculous.
Convinced no such stance exists, I head to the dining room sporting the ridiculous navy linen covering and fix myself a plate from the breakfast options spread out on top of the long, elegant table. After gobbling down a generous portion of ham and porridge, I find Sin in the southern courtyard.
He’s once again clad in nothing but a steel armor chest plate and leather swordsman’s pants. I steal a glance at those pants, wondering what sort of hidden weapons he stashed in there this morning. The Black Art grabs an arrow from the quiver strapped to his back and nocks it against the bowstring with fluid grace. He takes a mere second to aim before releasing the tension on the string, sending the arrow hurtling to bury dead center into the cloth target.
“Knives, swords, arrows—do you actually enjoy being this vicious, or does it just come with the title?” I ask as I approach him.
Sin turns to me, an easy grin on his mouth, apparently finding comedy in the question I didn’t fully ask half-heartedly. “Don’t forget magic that can crush your insides.” He winks and gives me a quick once over, assessing the fit of my vest.
I shuffle my arms uncomfortably. “Are you planning on cutting me in half if I make a mistake?” I ask, gesturing towards the protective covering I was told to put on this morning.
“One—I don’t need a sword to split you in half. Two—it’s not to protect you fromme.It’s to protect you from your own novice mistakes.” He unslings his bow and quiver, dropping them to the grass, and picks up the broom laying at the target’s base.
“I’ve used a sword before,” I say.
It isn’t a lie. We kept a few in the cabin to protect ourselves against outsiders. Any method of defense that didn’t require my family members to shift skins to protect themselves was the better option. Should someone break in, a clean slice through the ribs would be the preferred method, although I know Eldridge would be itching to shift to use a more… predatory approach. Admittedly, the swords were too big for my stature and always felt cumbersome and unbalanced in my hand. I am significantly better with my bow or my knives, but nothing has ever compared to my magic.
“Wielding a sword and killing with one are not the same,” he says, tossing me the broom.
I catch it and turn it over in my hand. It is a standard house broom with a long wooden shaft and a bundling of birch twigs at one end.
“Ah yes, the ol’sweep them to deathmaneuver. I can’t wait to learn it.”
Sin throws me a sideways glance and laughs—actuallylaughs—before shaking it off and drawing his sword. His veryrealsword. “I would be a fool to trust you not to kill yourself with one before I’ve taught you a thing or two.”
Sin positions himself next to me, a mere few inches of space between our shoulders, and demonstrates how to grip the hilt—or in my case, the broom handle. He models how to adjust my grip depending on the direction I’m swinging and shows me the basics of a half, full, and horizontal cut, and a thrust lunge. He is surprisingly patient as I struggle to swing and step at the same time, offering corrections and repositioning me.
“Loosen your grip,” he tells me for what must be the hundredth time.
I shoot him an exasperated look, convinced Iamholding it looser than before, and he shakes his head. Sin steps up behind me, pressing his chest against my back, and loops his arms under mine to grab my hand with his on the hilt. His proximity pricks the hairs on the back of my neck and has my hand clenching the swordmuchtighter now as he forcibly pries my fingers from the handle and repositions them so the weapon balances more evenly in my grip. Satisfied with my new stance, he backs away, and I exhale sharply.
The light practice I had done at home was recess compared to training under the Black Art’s watchful stare—eyes that didn’t miss a single mistake—and I make a lot. At some point, I forget to feel silly waving my broom around, too focused on coordinating my steps with my lunges and my hand positioning.
When he’s confident I have learned the bare basics, Sin invites me to spar with him. He slows his pace down as much as he can without tripping himself, allowing me to get the feel of striking with the broom, and what it feels like to have those strikes deflected. I practice adjusting my approach as he blocks my thrusts, and maintaining my balance as I shift my weight between my feet.
Relief washes through me when he says we can stop, the moon having relieved the sun an hour ago. The broom must only weigh a fraction of his weapon’s weight, but my arms burn at keeping it held out in front of me for so long. Sin wipes the back of his hand across his forehead, and I wonder if his muscled arms feel even a twinge of soreness.
“You did well,” he offers, collecting his belongings.
“Bet you didn’t know how deadly I was with a broom,” I respond coolly, pulling another chuckle from him.
“Your body will ache tomorrow. Take a bath now to soak the muscles, and they won’t hurt as bad when you wake up.”
I nod, not wanting to admit my arms started burning hours ago.
“Meet me here tomorrow. We’ll break from this and focus on casting.”
“Good, because this has done a number to my confidence,” I mumble, handing him back the broom, then turning to head towards the bathhouse.
“Little witch.”