"Aaron, thank goodness you answered. I have a deep dilemma," Erica said.
She sounded out of breath and like she was on the edge of a breakdown. Erica didn't call me sounding like this ever. Something had to be seriously wrong.
"What's going on?"
"I told my mom I was in a relationship, and now she won't stop asking me about it."
I let out a loud laugh. I knew Erica wasn't involved with anyone, so Erica lied about something like that to get her mother off her back.
"Wow, what are you going to do?"
Erica paused for a moment. "I'm not sure. I guess to keep the lie up and then say he, whoever he is, broke up with me."
Another laugh burst through me. Erica could have planned out this better. She wanted to have a pretend boyfriend break up with her. She should have come clean immediately, but that would be too easy. Erica doesn't usually lie to her mom.
"That is the worst plan I have ever heard," I confessed with another laugh.
"Shut up!" Erica yelled as I imagined she was stomping her little feet. "Forget I even told you."
"Consider it forgotten," I said. "Thanks, by the way."
"Thanks for what?"
"For the birthday gift, silly. It must have taken you ages to get all that stuff together."
Erica was silent on the other end.
"E? You there?"
"Yeah, I was just thinking about how much tape I wasted on you."
You can use the empty tape containers to build yourself the perfect boyfriend.
"You are evil," Erica said back to me.
I laughed as I opened my mouth to tease her, but Erica yawned on the other end before I could respond. She must have been getting ready to go to sleep.
"I'm sorry for being evil, but I truly wish you the best of luck. If you need any help, just know that I am here for you and will be by your side."
"Will do. Thanks, Aaron. Bye."
We hung up, and I had a goofy grin on my face. Erica could be hilarious at times, and this was just downright funny. She always got herself into predicaments, and I doubted this would be the last time.
I slowly undressed until I was in my boxers. I was still a little turned on, but it felt weird jacking off after talking to my oldest friend, so I just laid in bed staring up at the ceiling.
The phone call with Erica was funny, but the thought of her having a boyfriend didn't sit right in my gut. I didn't want to admit it, but the idea made me jealous.
Erica was a special girl, and she deserved the perfect guy. Someone who would care for her while also supporting her. She had big dreams, and I knew that she would accomplish them.
Shaking my head, I turned to my side to try and get some sleep. My last thoughts were of my best friend and her warm smile.
Chapter Six
"Justtellmehisname," my mother persisted as we were out shopping together.
She had guilted me into going to the mall with her as a way for her to dig more information out of me about my mystery boyfriend.