Page 2 of Revenge

“Please don’t trouble yourself.”

“I have to eat and cook for myself. It won’t take much effort to add your portion.” She squeezes my hand.

“You have no idea what this means to me.” Except I know exactly what she means. Having someone think of you and take care of you? Viktor did that for me. He took care of me. Thinking of him breaks me inside.

“It’s the plastic takeout container on the first shelf in the fridge. I couldn’t find a better container. I’ll pick some up on my way back.” I say, trying to shake the thoughts of Viktor away.

“Ava,” she starts.

“No objections. I have to do it for myself too.” I smile.


“I should get ready. Don’t want to be late on my first day. I’ll see you later. Have a good day.”

“Thanks. You too.”

I walk to wash my mug, but she tells me to leave it. This roommate thing might not be bad. I look at the time. It’s barely seven, and I already feel drained. I can’t sleep at night dreaming of him. Tossing and turning. Craving his heat. But I have to erase him from my mind. If I don’t, whatever little sanity I have will be gone.

I am excited about my first day at the boutique. It’s part of the company House of Beauty. I love what they stand for. Making all women feel beautiful. It’s one of the reasons I am excited about a position at one of their boutiques. I don’t need to work because of the money Viktor wired into my account the day I left him. But I need a distraction to not think of him. My phone beeps.

Tina: You can’t ignore me forever. At least tell me you are alive

Tina has been texting and calling non-stop since I left the night of the dinner. I know she won’t give up. I should answer. It isn’t her fault what happened between Viktor and me. But I don’t want or need him to know where I am. There is no guarantee she won’t tell him. After all, she is his cousin.

Tina: You are being selfish, Ava. It’s just a text I am asking for. Please

I take a deep breath.

Ava: I am alive. Don’t you think it is too early to text someone


Tina: Thank goodness. I was about to call 9-1-1 and file a missing person’s report??

Ava: No need.

Tina: Can we talk? If I call, will you answer?

I probably shouldn’t answer. But she has always been good to me. She deserves that much.

Ava: I’m getting ready for work. I’ll call you in fifteen

Tina: Waiting patiently??

She makes me laugh. It’s the first time in days I feel an ounce of normal. A part of me feels talking to her will make me feel closer to him. I finish getting ready and get my things. I was honest with Lisa when I said I was nervous about my first day at the boutique. Not so long ago I lived in a mansion with everything at my disposal. As I lock the front door, I dial Tina, who answers after the second ring.

“Took you long enough.”

“Barely fifteen minutes.” I laugh. I didn’t realize how much I missed hearing her voice. She has been my only friend since I met Viktor.

“How are you? Where are you? Are you ok?”

“It’s too early for an inquisition. What are you doing, writing a report for him?” I ask in a serious tone.

“Harsh. I’m just worried about my BFF. He doesn’t even know I’m reaching out.”

“I am sorry. I really didn’t mean to be harsh.”