When he finished, he pulled out and sat in the circle of moonlight. He took her into his arms. She still trembled from need.
“Please, Master... please please...”
“You're going to leave her in this condition?” Kane asked.
“No. You're going to finish her. You're going to fuck her, here in the middle of the gallery with all these people while I watch you do it. You're going to rub her swollen clit and make her come while you pound into her.”
Ari had just lost his fucking mind. He knew it. He'd had all these noble plans. He wasn't going to share her with Kane. He was going to grow up and put aside my slut is your slut. For Claire's sake. But he'd forgotten how much he loved being inside of Saskia while Kane watched and how much he loved watching Kane fuck whoever he'd happened to be with.
He hadn't been sure he'd be so thrilled about it if it was a woman he loved, but right now, he wanted to share this woman with Kane so obviously it didn't matter.
Kane smiled. “Yeah. You're not sharing her. Message received.”
“Only with you, asshole,” Ari replied.
He stroked Claire's hair. She was still trying to find a way to grind against him. Still desperate to get off. “Do you want Kane inside you? Will you let him fuck you so I can watch you come?”
“Yes, Master... please...” She was so desperate now he would say anything to come.
Ari handed her off to Kane and watched as his friend laid her gently on her back on the floor and slowly started to undress. Everyone else in the gallery but Marcus was fully nude now, fucking with abandon. Even the tourists had given in to the animal instinct.
Kane covered her body with his, cradling her into himself. It was the sweetest Ari had ever seen Kane be with anyone, as if he were still apologizing for the intimidation tactics in the studio and reassuring Ari he could be trusted with her, that this thing they were starting wasn't a mistake.
Kane kissed her and she whimpered against his mouth, grinding her body against him, straining for his cock. Finally he pushed himself inside her and began to move.
“Fuck, she's exquisite,” Kane said as if he were sampling a new smooth whiskey.
After he'd had enough slow fucking, he pulled out of her and flipped her to her hands and knees and took her from behind, his hand moving to the front to rub her clit at the same feverish pace he was fucking her.
“Come for me,” he growled in her ear. She bucked wildly against him and soon after, screamed out the release that had been building in her for so long. She slumped boneless, her cheek against the floor as he fucked her until he came, filling her with his own release.
Kane pulled out of her and the three of them laid back against the cool floor.
“I knew you'd see things my way,” Kane said finally.
“Shut up,” Ari said.
Kane just laughed.
The buzzer went off again, and Marcus called another name. “Logan Blair.”
Kane sat up, suddenly alert. He stood and started to dress.
“What is it?” Ari asked. But he knew. He just wanted to hear the bastard say it. He just wanted to hear it out loud, that Kane had a soft feeling for someone inside that hard exterior he'd erected for the rest of the world.
“She's never been with Logan. Never even met him. I need to watch and make sure she's okay.”
Ari nodded. “After that, we need to talk.”
Kane finished dressing and moved closer to the leather table to watch. Ari got dressed as well, then helped Claire back into her evening gown. He held her in his arms for a while, slow dancing with her to the cello music, the wild orgy still carrying on around them at the edges of their vision.
As he spun Claire around the floor, he kept an eye on Saskia as well. But Logan was slow, and gentle, careful. He didn't treat her like a whore. He treated her like it was her first time with soft kisses and caresses, and Saskia was practically eating out of his hand.
Ari's gaze shifted over to Marcus who also watched intently. If someone actually hurt Saskia, at least three men, and possibly more would be descending on him like rabid beasts. Ari knew there were other men here with a special fondness for her. Phillip and Nolan among them.
Kane seemed to be thinking the same thing he was thinking because he finally turned and said. “I think she's fine with Logan. I was sure she would be, but he's new to her.”
Ari stopped dancing with Claire. “Give us a minute,” he said to Kane.