Claire reached out from under the blankets to take the offered water as she stared at the plate. It was pizza. He must have had something delivered while she was still sleeping. Of course he did. Most of the food in his house had probably spoiled in his absence.
“Is it drugged?” She looked up at him, pleading, “Please don't drug me.” As if she had any right to ask that after everything.
“It's not drugged.” Ari took a bite of one slice of pizza and laid it back on the plate. “See? It's safe.” He scooted the plate to her. He could have put something on the second piece, or something near the crust. Him taking a bite didn't mean it was safe, but she was SO hungry, and it smelled so good.
Claire struggled to sit up, moving to lean against the wall. She pulled the plate toward her and ate, the tears silently moving down her cheeks.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I thought you were him.”
“I know,” he said.
She quietly ate her pizza and drank her water, then she scooted the plate back to him. “T-thank you, Master.” She didn't forget this time to give him the title he wanted to hear.
“You're welcome, little one.”
Claire wanted to ask what he planned to do with her, but she also wanted to live in ignorance for as long as possible. Too many questions clawed at the back of her throat, demanding answers. She finally settled on the one screaming the loudest.
“W-why is there a mattress up here and a chain? You already had all this stuff... why?”
“My pet used to sleep up here.”
“Used to?” These words filled Claire with dread. When he said pet, she knew he didn't mean a dog or a cat. He meant a person. A woman like her.
She flinched when he reached out to push a strand of hair behind her ear, but he made no comment about her reaction to him moving into her space. “Yes. She and I are no longer together.”
“B-but you didn't kill her?”
Ari shook his head. “No. She's alive and well and living out her modeling dreams in Paris.” He stood and picked up the empty plate.
He loomed over her. “I have some questions and you will answer them.”
She nodded quickly.
“Do you live in an apartment or a house?”
“Rent or own?”
He nodded. She could see the wheels in his head turning. She already knew he was working out the logistics of her life. He wanted to know how to make her missing without being missed. She hadn't been listed as missing the first time she'd been taken. It was the downside of not having many close friends and all your bills paid automatically. Things had a way of humming along without interruption, particularly when you had seemingly endless money and no employer to complain about your absence.
As if reading her mind, his next question was, “How are your bills paid?”
She wanted to lie, give some indication that she'd be missed, that she would be looked for. But he seemed able to read her mind. His hard gaze warned sternly against the lie that had been on the edge of her tongue.
“Auto-pay. Online. The bills all get paid without me having to do anything.” She felt the hot tears streaming down her cheeks as the felt the vise of fate tighten around her.
“Who will miss you?”
Her voice broke when she said “No one.” Again she'd wanted to lie, but somehow she was sure he would know if she did. And she was too afraid to make him angry. She'd already done so many things to make him angry.
He nodded. “It's late. Try to get some sleep. I'll explain my expectations going forward, tomorrow.”
He had to know she'd never be able to sleep knowing that whatever he planned to do would start the next day. And he had an entire night to fully realize just how easily he would get away with whatever he decided to do with her.
Ari bolted upright at the sound of Claire's screams. He jumped out of the bed and took the stairs two at a time to get to her. By the time he reached her, she was sitting up in bed, her back pressed against the wall, the blankets pulled up to her chest, crying and shaking.