Page 75 of Knight

“You’re going out? Let me mark this date on my calendar.”

“Very funny. Medical school starts back up on Monday. I’ll be buried in books in no time. The past month has been nothing short of hell. I need one night to have a few drinks and have a little fun.”

“Why the fuck wasn’t I invited? I’m the most fun person you know.” This is true. I wish I could let loose and have fun like Reagan. I’ve never been like that. I’ve always been focused on my studies.

“Sorry. It was last minute. The girls actually pushed me to go out. They said they know this will be my last night of fun for a year.” Unfortunately, this is also true.

“Good. I’m glad. Do shots, dance up a storm, and find yourself a man. You could use a little action.” She pauses for a moment. “Actually, I could use some too.”

I smile and shake my head. I wish I could. “Not really my style, but I’ll definitely have a few drinks and dance.”

“I’m telling Aunt Cass on you.”

I laugh. “No, no. I don’t need her meddling. I’ll compromise and dance with a few guys. I promise.”

“Do more than dance with them.”

I shake my head. “Good-bye. I’ll see you at Mom’s tomorrow.”

“See you then.”

I spot Angelina, Olivia, and Sophie waiting for me out front. “Sorry I’m late.”

Angelina looks at her watch. “You’re literally exactly on time.” That’s late for me. “You look hot. Nicely done. Let’s go have some fun.”

I’m wearing a short tight royal blue dress that more than shows off my figure. It’s low cut and my boobs are practically spilling out. Reagan bought it for me for Christmas last year. It’s not something I would normally wear. This is the first time I’ve ever worn it.

The bouncer lets us butt in front of the line. It’s the one perk of being fairly attractive. No lines. We head straight to the bar and order eight lemon drop shots and four margaritas.

The bartender brings us our drinks. Olivia holds a shot glass up in the air. “To Harley actually being out.” We all clink glasses and down the shot.

Sophie holds the second shot glass up in the air. “To Harley letting loose.” The three of them hold their shot glasses up. I stare at them. “Come on Harley. Just one night. Forget the past month. Forget studying. Live in the moment. Do something just because it feels good.”

I reluctantly hold my shot glass up with theirs. They all smile. “That’s my girl!” We down the second round of shots, followed quickly thereafter by our margaritas.

Angelina grabs my hand. “Let’s dance.”

We dance for over two hours, taking breaks here and there for drinks. We’re having a great time. There are a lot of men surrounding our group trying jump in, but we pay them no attention. We’re doing our own thing tonight.

I offer to go buy the next round. I head to the bar and order four more margaritas.

The bartender brings me the drinks and I go to hand her my credit card. A big hand grabs mine from behind and I hear him say, “I’ve got it.” He attempts to hand the bartender his card instead.

I shake my head. “No thanks,I’vegot it.” I give her my card and she leaves to run it through.

The man chuckles. I turn around and look up and up until I’m met with big blue eyes. I see him smiling. “Wow, you and your friends are really putting out thefuck offvibe tonight.”

I laugh. “Yea, we’re just here letting off some steam. Not looking for extra company.” He smiles again. He’s really attractive. He’s very tall, with wavy blonde hair, and a square chin with a dimple.

“I don’t think those guys got the memo.” He points his thumb to my friends. There’s a circle of at least ten guys around them. “You and your friends haven’t let them in for one dance, and yet they just stand there waiting like puppy dogs.”

I laugh. “That’s life in the big city.”

“More like the life of beautiful women in the big city. One in particular.”

We’re uncomfortably silent for a moment. “Like I said, we’re just here to have a bit of fun together. We’ve all got some things going on and we’re looking to have a rare good time with close friends.”

His face gets serious for a moment. “What do you have going on that you can’t have a good time? You should always make time for a little fun.”