Page 72 of Knight

Harley asks, “So what do we have in mind?”

I smile. “I know exactly what to do.”



Ipull up to Payton’s house and knock on the door. He opens it and gives me a weak smile. “Hey, Darian.”

“Hey, Payton.” He’s clearly uncomfortable around me right now. “Here’s everything you need for tomorrow.” I hand him a thick envelope. “Did you get my text yesterday with all of the instructions?”

“Yes, I received it. Honestly, Darian, I don’t know if I can get him out of bed. He hasn’t moved since you guys got back from Colorado.” I close my eyes. My poor man. I’ve hurt him so much.

He shrugs. “You broke him. I’ve never seen him like this. He’s talking about giving me the company and moving away so he doesn’t have to run into you.” I can physically feel my heart constricting.

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Payton, I’m going to unbreak him. I promise. Just get him there. And he would never leave you boys. He’s just hurting right now.”

“I know he wouldn’t leave.

“You’ll get him there?”

“I’ll try.”

* * *


I can’t believe I’ve agreed to this. I obviously want to spend time with my boys, but going to an Eagles football game is just about the last thing I need to be doing right now.

Payton said it was an additional Christmas present that they’ve all been working on for months. He went on and on about how they got amazing field-level seats, on the fifty-yard line, and that it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I don’t want to be here, but I couldn’t disappoint them. At least I know I won’t see Darian here. She hates the Eagles.

I haven’t left my house in nearly a week. I’m a shell of a man right now. I told Payton I might need to leave the area. I can’t bear to see her, especially if she starts dating another man. But I know I won’t leave my sons. I’m about to become a grandfather. I want to be here with all of them.

I’m sitting in my seat, not particularly paying attention to the game, when I hear our entire section start booing. I look up to the game to see what I missed, but there’s no action right now. It looks like a timeout on the field. What are they booing?

They all seem to be looking at someone walking down the steps. I stand up to have a look, and I see Darian and her girls walking down the steps. She’s wearing a Washington jersey, so all the Philly fans are booing her. What the hell is she doing here? She walks straight toward me with a smile on her face. She’s so beautiful. I miss her face. I miss all of her.

She stands in front of me. “Hey, Jackson.”

I look down. I can’t look at her in the eyes. I mumble, “Why are you here, Darian?”

“I’m here for you.” What? She tilts my chin so that I’m forced to look at her in the eyes, then she takes my hands in hers. “Jackson, I made a mistake. I want to marry you.”

I don’t understand. “I’m confused. What about what you said about Scott?”

She takes a deep breath. “I guess I’m just one of those lucky people who gets two loves of my life. He was my soulmate and the love of the first half of my life. You, Jackson, are my soulmate and the love of the rest of my life. Hear me, Jackson. I do love you with mywholeheart. It’s yours. I’m yours, if you’ll still have me.”

It’s then that I notice that we’re on the jumbotron and the entire stadium is watching us. She gets down on one knee. “Jackson Knight, will you let me love you for the rest of our lives? Will you let me be your wife? Will you marry me?”

I’m stunned into silence. A Philly fan yells out, “Don’t say yes to a Washington fan.” We all laugh, breaking the tension.

I look at her. My everything. My soulmate. I feel the corner of my mouth tilt up. “I should say no so you have to be on blooper reels for the rest of your life.”

She smiles. It’s magnificent. I’m a goner. She squeezes my hands in hers. “Is that your answer? Sixty-five thousand of our closest friends are waiting for your answer, Knight.”

I look down at her for one more tortuous moment and then I bend down to take her lips in mine. The whole stadium starts cheering.

I pull her up and wrap her legs around my waist. Now we’re really kissing. Open-mouthed, tongue kissing. The crowd cheers even louder. “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith is playing on the loudspeakers.