Page 60 of Knight

I grab the ball and start to warm up. “This is in the bag, kid.”

I throw five touchdown passes to the boys, as we easily win. Jackson only seems interested in tackling me after each throw. In fact, his hands haven’t left my body since he arrived at my house yesterday and got into bed with me. Cassandra keeps shouting for us to get a room.

The kids are all laughing and having a great time. This is our first laughter-filled Thanksgiving since Scott died. His absence was felt so profoundly at the last few, but today feels full of life, family, and happiness again. It feels good.

We spend the rest of the afternoon being lazy on the couch, watching the football games. Jackson and I are cuddled up in the corner. I’m pretty sure that Trevor has been coming on to Cassandra. She’s eating it up.

During one of the football games we’re watching, a guy proposes to his girlfriend, and they show it on the screen. Reagan scrunches up her nose. “That’s so cheesy. Ugh, I would say no if a guy ever asked me like that at a ballgame.”

I laugh. “I totally agree. Who would want to get engaged in a stadium of tens of thousands of strangers?” Harley, Kylie and Skylar agree with us.

Jackson tickles me. “You guys are snobs. Do you know how much guts it takes to ask someone like that? If they say no, it will be on Sports Center for months, and likely some blooper reels for life. Those guys are really putting themselves out there.” Of course, Payton, Hayden and Trevor agree with him.

Once the games are over, Jackson shows my girls to the various guestrooms so that they can shower and change. I teasingly go to follow them, and he grabs me around the waist and carries me into his room like a caveman. We don’t surface again for over an hour.

We come back out to a room full of laughter, and a round of applause from everyone. We take our bows.

We’re sitting around the table eating and chatting. Trevor starts talking about romance novels. “Did you know that the number one seller in romance novels is step-sibling relationships?”

We all start cracking up. Cassandra is giggling at everything Trevor says. “Darian, I love this kid. He’s hysterical. Where was he when I was in my twenties?”

He turns to her with a very serious look on his face. “Did you know the number two seller in romance novels is May December romances with an older woman and younger man?” He blows her a kiss.

I look at Jackson. Oh boy. “I think we need to keep an eye on these two.”

He smiles. “Better those two than two of our kids.”

“That’s very true.”

Payton stands and clinks his glass with his knife. “Can I get everyone’s attention? I have an announcement to make.” He looks lovingly at Kylie, takes her hand in his, and kisses it. “Kylie and I are pregnant.” The whole room erupts in cheers.

Kylie smiles. “I didn’t realize that you’re pregnant too, Payton. I must have missed it while my head has been in the toilet for the last two straight weeks.” They smile at each other.

“Correction, my amazingly beautiful wife is pregnant. I’m just the lucky bastard that gets to go along for the ride.” He looks down at her and lifts his eyebrows. She nods approvingly.

Jackson has a huge smile on his face and tears welling in his eyes. He’s such a beautiful man. I whisper in his ear. "You’re going to be a GILF." He squeezes my leg under the table and kisses my cheek.

Skylar asks, “How far along?”

“Only seven weeks, but we couldn’t wait to tell our families. We told mine last weekend when we visited. We’re due in July.”

I turn to Kylie. “Being pregnant in the summer is no joke. Trust me, I know.” I look at Skylar, my summer baby. “You’re going to want to live in that pool Jackson has here.”

“You’re welcome here anytime, Kylie,” Jackson adds.

“Actually,” Payton interrupts, “we’re looking at houses. We found one not too far from here that has a pool. The house we grew up in had a pool, and I loved having it. Hayden, Trevor, and I would swim all day long. We want that for our kids too. We put in an offer yesterday.”

Jackson gets up to hug Payton. “I love that you’ll be so close to me. I’d be happy to take a look at the house if you’d like.” Payton nods. Jackson looks so happy and full of pride.

After the celebration dies down, we continue with our various conversations. I overhear Jackson ask Harley if she’s seeing anyone.

“No, I just don’t have any time to date. I’m working forty-eight-hour shifts. When I get off of work, I just want to sleep. I think this week is the first time I’ve worn non-scrubs in three months.”

Trevor joins the conversation. “Isn’t the hospital like Grey’s Anatomy where everyone is getting it on in the on-call rooms?” Harley’s eyes pop wide open. There’s definitely something going on there.

Hayden interrupts. “You’re an idiot, Trevor. That’s a TV show, not real life. That’s not what goes on.” He turns to Harley, “I think you’re amazing. You’re going to be such a great surgeon. Do you know what specialty you want yet?”

“Yes, I want to be a heart surgeon. I want to save people with bad hearts.” I smile at her with emotion, knowing exactly why she wants to do that.