Page 7 of Knight

He laughs. “I’m actually from Colorado, so while I enjoy watching Philadelphia sports, the Denver teams have my heart. Be warned that I am an Avalanche fan.”

“At least you’re not a Flyers fan. The Avalanche are in the Western Conference, so we’d really only see each other in the Stanley Cup. I suppose I can live with that.” We both laugh. “Tell me about yourself, Jackson.”

“I have three kids as well, but all boys. Payton is thirty and works with me in real estate development. I own the company, and my greatest joy in life is working with my son every day.” I smile at that. I can certainly appreciate how wonderful that would be.

“That’s very sweet. You have a thirty-year-old son? You don’t look old enough to have a thirty-year-old son.” That’s the truth. He doesn’t.

“I was actually going to say the same to you about your twenty-six-year-old daughter. You look way too young to have a twenty-six-year-old. My ex-wife and I actually fell pregnant our sophomore year in college, so we had him at only nineteen years old. Seven years later we had our twins, Trever and Hayden. Hayden is just starting medical school, and Trevor is getting his MBA in hopes of joining Payton and me at our company.”

“That’s really nice. What a pleasure to be able to work with your boys. Though not as young as nineteen, I was pretty young when we had Harley. I was only twenty-two. She was a honeymoon baby. Maybe even a few weeks before the honeymoon,” I wink.

“Is your ex still in the area?”

Here it is. The dreaded question. The elephant dart to our conversation. I take a breath. “I’m actually a widow. My husband died three years ago.”

His face drops. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. It must have been very difficult for all of you.”

“Thank you. Yes, it’s been a bit of a long road, but here I am, doing shots, dancing to Aerosmith on a Friday night, chatting with a handsome stranger.” I’m trying to steer the conversation away from death as quickly as possible.

He smirks. “You think I’m handsome?” I give him a look as if it’s not obvious.

He begins running his pinky along his lips as if deep in thought. For some reason, I find it extremely sexy. He has big, thick lips. Women pay thousands of dollars for lips like his. And now I’m all of a sudden fixated on his lips. Oh jeez.

I’ve clearly not responded to his question, so he jumps back in. “I think you may be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Honestly, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you all night.” He gathers himself for a moment. “I’m sorry if that’s a bit forward, but I can’t help myself. You really are quite striking.”

My lip trance is broken. “Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment, but perhaps you need to get out more.

He leans forward into my airspace with a smoldering stare. “I think you need to look in a mirror more. You’re stunning.” Our eyes are locked with one another’s. The mutual attraction is definitely there. I’m surprised at how I’m feeling right now. My heart is beating so fast in my chest. Words escape me.

He leans back, breaking the stare down. He takes my hand in his. “Forgive me for being blunt, but I don’t like to mix words. I like you, Darian. That doesn’t happen to me very often. I’d like to take you out. Are you free next weekend?”

I gulp. God, I haven’t done this in a long time. He’s certainly very good-looking, and I’m clearly attracted to him, but I don’t think I’m ready to go on a real date. Talking to him tonight was actually a big step for me. Feeling something was even bigger. The physical expectations involved with dating may just be a bit too much for me at this moment.

“Jackson, I’ve genuinely enjoyed talking with you tonight. You’re extremely charming and attractive. I imagine you have no trouble at all finding women that are interested in dating you. I just haven’t gotten back on the dating horse quite yet though. I’m not sure I’d be good company. Frankly, I’m not one to have any interest in playing games or being disingenuous in any way. We’re too old for that, don’t you think?”

He nods.

“I don’t want to waste your time or lead you on. I’m telling you straight up that I don’t know if I’m ready to date. You should find someone who is in a better head space. You deserve that.”

“Wow, your candor is refreshing. I know you haven’t been out there in a long time, but I promise you, it’s rare.” He pauses for a moment as if thinking. Again, running that pinky along his lower lip.

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll be away for work in New York all week. How about we simply talk on the phone? It’s harmless. That should make you feel less pressured. If, at the end of the week, my amazing personality has won you over, you’ll let me take you out next Saturday. If, for some crazy reason, you are immune to my charms, then we’ve each at least made a new friend. At a minimum, I’m always up for new friends. What do you think, Darian?”

I blow out a breath. I guess this seems pretty harmless. No physical expectations on the phone. That, and it will be easier to turn him down if I’m not looking at his gorgeous face.

“You make a very compelling argument. Are you sure you’re not an attorney?” He smiles. “Talking on the phone? I think I can manage that. It sounds reasonable. Perhaps you won’t like my personality by the end of the week and won’t want to take me out anymore.”

“I already like your personality, and Iknowthat I want to take you out. I’m certain of that.” Just like that, we’re back to staring at one another in silence. “The ball will be entirely in your court though.”

We end up talking a while longer, laughing and even flirting a little bit. Him flirting a lot more than me. We then exchange cell numbers, he kisses me on the cheek goodbye, says goodbye to the girls, and leaves the bar.

The girls are all excited that I actually talked to a man. It’s as if I’m fifteen years old and I just talked to my first boy. Cassandra is smiling from ear to ear.

They ask for all of the details. I let them know what went down.

They continue yapping as we walk out together, but I’m not listening. My mind is on him. I’m equally scared and shocked that I’m actually attracted to him. I genuinely haven’t been attracted to another man besides Scott in nearly thirty years.

When I get home that night, I get into bed with Jackson’s smile and laugh on my mind. Maybe his eyes and lips too. It’s stirred something in me that’s been dormant for a long time. I don’t know what to make of it.