Page 24 of Knight


Ihead into the office on Monday morning as a reenergized man. Saturday night was the best time I’ve had in years. Maybe longer than years. I really like this woman. She’s gorgeous, with a body that has me adjusting my pants every time I look at it. She’s smart, funny, into sports, and even a little dirty at times. She’s the full package.

I give Donna an admittedly overenergetic good morning. She looks at me a bit skeptically, due to my particularly good mood.

After thinking better of asking me about it, she informs me that William left a message this morning and for me to please call him. I hope everything is okay with them. It’s pretty early in Colorado for him to have already called me. I dial his number as soon as I sit down at my desk.

He picks up immediately. “Hey, Jackson.”

“Hey, Will. Is everything okay? Is everything good with Frankie and the kids?

“Yeah, yeah. They’re all fine. So, funny story for you. My kids started school yesterday and you’ll never believe what happened?”

Whoops, I know where this is going.

“They each received a brand new MacBook laptop from an anonymous donor. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?

Busted. “Umm… nope.”


“Will, I’m just trying to support the kids in their dreams. I know things are tight. The twins just started college, and the rest are in high school with college on the horizon. Having five kids isn’t cheap. I’m just trying to help you out wherever I can.”

“And you think donating to their college funds each and every year since they were born wasn’t enough?”

“Just seeing to it that my investments are well protected. It’s a sound business move to provide them with the technology needed to be successful.” At least that earns me a chuckle.

“Jackson, I know I don’t make the big bucks like you, but I’m a proud man and can pay for my own kids. I can buy them computers for school.”

“I know you can, Will, but I just want to relieve some of the pressure. Why do I even work as hard as I do if I can’t take care of the people I love.”

I can tell he’s a little choked up, so I change tactics. “Besides, I need to alleviate some future guilt for when I steal Frankie away from you.”

“Watch it, buddy. It’ll never happen. I’m too good in bed for her to ever leave me for the likes of a soft-dick rookie like you.” We both laugh at that. “How are your boys doing?”

“They’re doing great. Trevor and Hayden are working hard in grad school. I haven’t seen them much lately, what with all their studying, but I’m seeing them today for lunch. Having Payton run the business with me and work by my side every day, is my dream come true. He’s getting really good at analyzing deals. He’s definitely got the head for this business. Personally, he’s in newlywed bliss right now with Kylie. They seem very much in love, and I couldn’t be happier for him.”

“Ah, I remember the honeymoon phase. We couldn’t get enough of each other.” I don’t remember any such phase. That’s because I never had it. I had newlywed worry that I had no money, no job, I needed to finish college, and my nineteen-year-old wife was pregnant.

William knows what my silence means. He changes the subject. “Are you seeing anyone?”

“Actually, I met someone.”

“Really!?” He’s shocked because I’ve never once mentioned anyone I’m dating to him.

“Yes. It’s very new, but she’s special. I’m really enjoying my time with her.”

“Wow. I’m so happy for you. When can we meet her?”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Like I said, it’s new. Let’s see how things progress before I think about bringing her home.”

“Okay. Maybe over the holidays?”

“Maybe. I’ll keep you updated.”

We’ve been together a little over a week and I’m already talking about bringing her home for the holidays. What the hell am I thinking? “I’ve got to get some work done, Will. Give my love to Frankie and the kids.”

“I’ll give it to the kids,” he grumbles.