Page 21 of Knight

“My girlsalllove jokes at my expense. They’re going to have a field day with me at dinner tonight. And Cassandra is coming too, which will only add fuel to the fire.”

He chuckles before pulling me closer and rubbing his hands up and down my back. “Can I call you later? I know you have dinner. Maybe after that?”

“Of course you can. I’d like that.”

“I want to see you again this week. I have a Children’s Hospital black-tie fundraiser this Friday night. Would you like to come with me? I’d love to show up with the hottest date in town. It’s good for my top bachelor in Philadelphia status to be seen with beautiful women.” He winks at me. I shake my head at his playfulness.

I haven’t been to something like that in ages. “That sounds like fun. Thanks for inviting me. Seeing you in a tux will give me spank bank material for a year.”

He laughs. “You, Darian Lawrence, are refreshingly honest. And a little bit dirty. I like that about you.” He grabs both of my cheeks and gently tilts my head up so he can bring his lips toward mine. He kisses me softly. Longer than a peck, but not open-mouthed with Harley nearby.

He turns to walk out. “Bye, sugar. Talk to you later.”

“Bye, Jackson.” I close the door and take a breath. This guy. He’s making me feel things. Things I haven’t felt in a long while.

I turn back toward the kitchen, to the firing squad waiting for me. Here we go.

Harley has one big smile on her face as she hands me my coffee. “Thanks. This feels like a walk of shame.”

“It’s not really a walk of shame if it’s in your own house and you’re in your own robe. Jackson going home in his clothes from the night before is a real walk of shame. But I guess your daughter coming in and seeing you naked with some strange guy’s hands on your boobs is at least a partial walk of shame.” Said as she smiles innocently.

“Thank you for the clarification,” I add sarcastically. “I wouldn’t want to get my walk of shame situations wrong.” I sit down next to her and silently start in on my coffee.

“So, Mom? What’s the story? Obviously, you liked him. You gave it up to him.” I roll my eyes. She giggles. “He’s really good-looking, even for an old guy.”

“That he is. And he’s not old. He’s a year older than me. Anyone above thirty is old to you.”

I take a few more sips as I think. “I don’t know, babe. This is the first guy I’ve gone out with since Dad. In part, it feels weird to spend time with someone that’s not your father, but it also feels nice to have someone again. It’s been a lonely three years.” She frowns at that.

I grab her hand. “You know what I mean. You girls have been amazing, as have Aunt Cass, Gennifer, and Alexandra. You know it’s a little different than spending time with a man. Jackson has been wonderful and understanding of some of my issues with moving on. I think we’ve been pretty honest and truthful with each other. I had a really nice time with him, and it’s been a long time since I’ve had a nice time with a man.” That’s the plain and honest truth.

Harley hugs me with a layer of tears brewing in her eyes. “Well good, Mom. You deserve to be happy. You know Skylar, Reagan, and I just want you to be happy. None of us want to see you sit at home by yourself every night. You’re too young and too pretty to do nothing. We all want you to enjoy yourself.” She’s so sweet. I love my girls so much.

“Thanks, baby, but this is very new. We’ve only known each other a little over a week. We’ll see what happens.”

“I heard him ask you out again.”

“Yes, he did. Thanks for eavesdropping.”

“I also heard him kiss you,” she smiles.

“He’s very kissy and very touchy. It’s actually kind of nice.” It is nice. I’ve been kind of starved for affection, and Jackson is extremely affectionate.

It’s time to change topics. “Why don’t I go and get your letter.”

I go to our safe and grab the envelope that readsFor Dr. Harley Madison Lawrence when she officially becomes a doctor. I already have tears in my eyes and I haven’t even read it yet.

I bring it to her and she goes into one of the other rooms to read it by herself.

I decide to use this time to throw on some clothes. I head into my bedroom and find my cell phone on the floor. I must have dropped it in the shenanigans of last night.

I pick it up to see twenty-five missed text messages. Twenty-two are from our family group chat with Skylar and Reagan rehashing the details of this morning, along with a few screenshots.

I click off those without fully reading them. Although I do pull up one of the pictures. Oh my. He is really holding onto my boobs for dear life. We do look sweet and happy sleeping there together though. I may keep this one. I save it to my camera roll.

I scroll through more texts. There’s a text from Cassandra late last night asking about the date, and another from her this morning saying that she hopes my lack of response means what she thinks it means. I roll my eyes.

The last text is from Jackson from just a minute ago.