“That’s not how it works, Jade. I think he’s proven in the past fifteen years just how much he loves you.”
“I know he loves me now, but the damage was done. I’m fucked up. Plain and simple. You’re never going to cure me. I’m sorry to be a black mark on your permanent therapist record, but I’m incurable. Beyond repair. Mark me as damaged goods.”
“How so?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I didn’t go to therapy school, but even I can identify my issue. I struggle with relationships. I don’t let people in.”
“Look at how welcoming you’ve been to all the new family in your life over the past four years. You have wonderful relationships with all of them. I’m proud of you for letting them in so willingly and openly. I anticipated more of a struggle when you first told me about them.”
“Do I get a therapy gold star for that?”
She smiles. “I’ll mail one to you.”
I laugh. At least Dr. Pearl sometimes humors me.
“With men. I’ve never had a serious relationship with a man. What’s the point? They’re going to disappoint me. They’ll leave like he did. I just beat them to the inevitable punch.”
“Have you considered that maybe you haven’t met the right man?”
“No. I’mnevergetting married.”
“And you still haven’t ever had a real conversation with your father about it?”
“Nothing more than the small handful of times he joined our sessions when I was younger.”
“Perhaps you’d be able to move on if you finally have it out with him. Maybe then you could have a healthy relationship with a man.”
“I doubt I’ll ever want to have a boyfriend. I rarely make it to a second date. Even if I do, the minute they want something more than a roll in the sack, I jump ship.”
“You’realwaysthe one to end it? You’ve never been in a position where you wanted more, and he didn’t?”
“I hate when you ask questions you know the answers to. One guy. You know the one. The toe-curling guy. The one who helped me learn that I like it a little rough.” I wink at her and watch her squirm. It amuses me to make her uncomfortable. I try to do it at least three or four times a session.
“The best sex guy who you claim bailed on you.”
“I claim? It’s more than simply bailing. I turned my back and he disappeared. Literally five minutes after he was inside me. Talk about a hit-and-run. It was a hit and sprint.”
She sighs. I love frustrating her. “That whole story makes no sense. I know you, Jade. You’re not giving me all the facts.” She looks down at her watch. “I have another patient to call. I’m noting that we’ll start here next time.”
“Ooh. I can’t wait.”
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. You’re too smart to resort to that.”
“Sarcasm is my love language. I love you, Dr. Pearl.” I blow her a kiss and give her a big fake smile.
She just shakes her head. “Go back to work. I’ll see you next month.”
I laugh as I close the window on my computer.
There’s a knock at my office door. I yell, “I’m not decent. Don’t come in.”
The door opens and Thor walks in. “You’re the least decent person I know. If I have to wait for you to be decent, I’ll never get to see you.”
“Not true. I don’t mean to brag, but I’ll have you know that my therapist just told me she’s sending me a therapy gold star. I might have to display it on my desk.”
Thor laughs. “You must be a gold mine for a therapist.”
I nod. “Totally. You’ve got an awful lot to say for a woman whose parents named her after a fictitious superhero. You must have deep issues. Maybe not feeling like you’ve lived up to the name?”