My lips parted to tell him to bite me, to claim me for the world to see, but the only thing that came out was a guttural moan as he angled my hips more and started bullying his half-swollen knot into my channel. The moan rose into a cry as my opening was forced wider, stretching around his bulging flesh.

“You’re going to come on my knot, omega, and then I’m going to fill you with my seed.”

He was right again, and my cry turned into a scream as his knot popped through, locking into place behind my pubic bone. It flared larger, pressing on all those deep places that made my vision go white, and I shuddered with the wave of my release as his first pulse sprayed against my cervix.

Burning ice, stinging numbness, blinding light… My mind couldn’t process the sensations rushing through me, building and overlapping, blurring the world until the only thing in it was the knot locked in my core and the twitching length filling me with alpha cum.

The only solution to an omega’s heat.

My climax kept going, my frozen lungs straining for air, eyes clenched so tight they felt swollen, ears ringing so loud we could have been in the middle of the club on a Friday night and I wouldn’t have heard it. On and on, so intense I was sure my heart was going to give out, the pleasure edging the line where it would tip into pain.

A thrumming vibration, felt more than heard, pulled me back. The world returned in bits. The softness of the blanket beneath me, the weight of Leo’s body over mine, the coarseness of his chest hair abrading my nipples as we both heaved for air.

His purr continued as he settled atop me, his muscles relaxing until there was just enough space between us for my ribs to expand, every inch of us pressed together, sweaty and satisfied. Fingers played with my hair, sending shivers down my spine as I nuzzled into his chest, trying to get closer to the source of the sound.

“My sweet Blossom. You don’t know what you do to me. How hard it is to be the alpha you need.”

I hummed, my fuzzy mind still floating on bliss and hormones. The pain and need that had gripped me was soothed for the moment, my body exhausted after the long day and what had happened, and I was drifting toward sleep.

“I hope this proves I’m worthy. I hope it’s not a mistake, and I lose you.”

Unconsciousness swallowed me before I could question what might be a mistake.

Chapter Four


Iwas exhausted when I blinked my eyes open as Cadence shifted off me. My knot had deflated, the mess adding to what was already smeared on our bodies after three days of straight fucking. Some heats lasted longer, but I could tell this one was over, the pheromones in the air easing and allowing me to think beyond my mantra not to bite.

It had been so hard. Even with the dose of suppressant, as her heat went on and the drug wore off, it grew harder and harder not to sink my teeth into her delicate neck as my knot sank into her welcoming pussy.

Another little whimper sharpened my focus, and I turned my head to see Cadence struggling to climb off the bed. Her nest was a mess, the blankets half hanging off the sides of the mattress, most of the pillows strewn on the floor. She’d stopped caring about the state of it halfway through her heat, and a part of me missed having it cradling us as I held her.

“Hang on.”

My voice was a croak I wasn’t sure she understood as I pushed myself upright. My throat was dry, my tongue sticky and unwilling to move, but I knew she’d be feeling worse than I did. Rolling off the bed, I forced my legs to hold me so I could round the mattress and come to her side to help her up.

“Ugh. Everything is so… crusty.”

I’d thought she was going to say sore, and she surprised a snort out of me. She was right, the alpha part of me quite proud of that, but even I felt like I needed a shower so I could remove the layers of sweat and fluids.

“Shower, then food.”

I stooped to snatch up the pants I’d discarded at the beginning of her heat, fishing for my phone. I barely paid attention to what I clicked on as I opened a food app and reordered the last thing I’d had delivered before tossing my phone on the counter as we moved into the bathroom. While I’d love to cook for her like I had a few times when she’d come over on the weekends, I didn’t have the energy for it, nor did I want her to have to wait any longer than necessary to eat.

She was already using the controls on the shower, her back to me, and despite how raw my dick felt, it still stirred at the sight of her naked body. Moving up behind her, I took hold of her hips, dipping my head to brush my lips along the top of her shoulder.

She shivered, leaning into me as she tipped her head to the side. I didn’t know if it was instinct to bare herself like that, or if she forgot that she was vulnerable now, or perhaps she trusted me more after making it through her heat without claiming her, but I couldn’t resist placing my mouth right where her shoulder and neck connected, licking the flesh before digging my teeth in just enough for her to feel.

I didn’t like how she was vulnerable now. If I’d considered taking her without consent, I knew other alphas would have the same urge, and the thought of someone else taking her from me made my fingers tighten as a low growl built in my chest.

She’d have to be guarded twice as close. No going anywhere besides her office without an escort, and I’d make sure the few alphas who worked there knew she was off limits. I already had all their information, and it wouldn’t be hard to send them anonymous emails warning them off. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to take it further than that.


It took all my will to loosen my hold and cut off the possessive noise flooding from me. Her brows were raised when she looked at me over her shoulder, but I just shook my head.

“It’s hard to think of you going out there on your own now. I want to keep you locked up forever.”