The reason it had taken so long to track down who was moving against us was because it was someone we’d never heard of before, and they’d done everything possible to misdirect us. We figured out early that the Walkers didn’t have the resources to be behind everything, which had made us focus on our allies since we hadn’t thought we had enemies.

Turns out, the Walkers were just one of the means used to distract us, controlled by someone else.

After we were sure it wasn’t Dimitri and we’d reestablished our trust, Dimitri and my father had pooled their resources and focused all their attention on locating the threat. It still took longer than anyone had wanted it to, but in the end, we’d found what we needed. One tip-off from a small-time runner pointed our tech guys in the right direction to finally dig out the identity of our attacker.

The only question left was why, but we were happy to put an end to it without getting an answer if necessary.

Keeping my breathing slow and steady, I rushed through the darkened doorway, gunshots already filling the air ahead of me. I slowed at the end of the hall I’d entered, checking around the corner before stepping into the opening.

The sounds of fighting echoed from the other end of the room, but the only men besides mine were already on the floor, blood pooling around them. It took a few more minutes before I received the all-clear from the others.

Tension drained from my shoulders, weariness creeping in to take its place.

I was so tired.

Trying to protect our people and keep an eye on the situation, while still maintaining the club and my appearance there, had left me with little time to sleep.

Luckily, it had also given me the perfect excuse to avoid my fiancé.

My throat tightened as an image of Cadence filled my head before I shoved it away.

I’d thought it would be easier to forget her the more time and distance I put between us, but nothing seemed to help. She still crossed my mind constantly, despite ordering my men to stop reporting about her. I still had her followed to be sure she stayed safe, but I didn’t want to know anything unless she was in danger.

Focusing on getting our business finished up, I gave the men their orders and returned to where my father and Dimitri waited. They’d both stepped out of their vehicles and were talking, but they turned their attention to me when I approached.

“Building is clear. Our wounded are being taken back to the compound for treatment, and the one you wanted is being held for you to interview.”

Both men nodded, Dimitri’s dark eyes giving nothing away, though I could read the signs of relief on my father’s face. I knew he cared for our men, our organization not so large he didn’t know each one of them, and every loss had hurt.

“We can take it from here. Why don’t you get some rest,” my father said, head tipping toward my car.

I must look worse than I thought if my father was telling me to rest.

“I’ll tell Tasia to come visit you at the club tonight since the threat is over. We can begin planning the wedding in earnest now.”

It was hard to bite back the groan that threatened, but I swallowed it and gave a short nod. Turning before I offended the man, I strode to my car and climbed inside, barely avoiding slamming the door.

My aversion to my fiancé wasn’t all because of Cadence. Tasia was everything I’d expect of a woman who’d grown up with Dimitri as a father.

Always polished and put together, from her hair to her littlest toenail.

Always deferring to me as if she had no opinions of her own.


I hated it.

Maybe itwasbecause of Cadence. She’d shown me what true innocence was, not the fake mask of virtue Tasia tried to wear. Cadence had shown me how a woman could be true to herself and stand up for what she believed in without being over the top about it. She’d trusted me enough to relax and reveal her true self, no matter how messy that sometimes was.

She’d shown me love, and acceptance for who I was.

My heart ached.

Cadence was the perfect one, she just wasn’t perfect for me. Even if I had the option of breaking my engagement to Tasia without causing irreparable harm to our relationship with her father, I knew this wasn’t going to be the last threat we had to face. This wouldn’t be the last time someone I cared about could be put in danger.

As much as it hurt, I couldn’t drag her and my child back into this life.

I trudged to my bed, shedding my clothes as I went. Just the sight of my empty sheets were a painful reminder of what I’d been forced to give up, the ring hidden in the back of my safe a statement of love I had to ignore.