There was silence for a moment before Leo responded.

“I know.”

Silence filled the room again as I lay staring up at the ceiling. I could feel Leo’s eyes on me, but he waited until I was ready to continue.

“I don’t know how.”

The corners of my eyes pricked with tears, but I refused to cry again.

“Do you want me to be there?”


I flinched at how loud it came out, but I couldn’t imagine trying to get through the conversation with my brother with Leo there. It would be hard enough without the distraction that would cause, and I didn’t know how Michael would react.

“No,” I repeated. “I need to tell them before I bring you into it.”

Leo didn’t react except to continue stroking my hair. He was quiet for a few moments more before he spoke again.

“Maybe your brother won’t realize who I am. And I’m sure he won’t want to upset your mother, so even if he does, he wouldn’t tell her.”

I couldn’t stop the soft snort that escaped me. The thought had crossed my mind before that maybe Michael wouldn’t recognize Leo’s name, but I couldn’t count on it. He’d figure it out eventually. And as mature as he was, he was still a teenage boy and didn’t always think things through.

Clearly, otherwise I wouldn’t be where I was.

“Are you going to tell him everything?”


I turned my head to glare up at Leo, shocked he would even suggest that.

“Notthatpart,” he chuckled. “I was just thinking if you were going to tell him the house was paid off, the baby is a good reason for it.”

My brows were still scrunched together, but I let my head relax back onto the pillow. I’d thought the same thing, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to drop everything on Michael at once. It might be too much.

“And how do I explain the baby when I’ve supposedly been working two jobs all this time?”

Leo’s hand engulfed the side of my face, turning me to face him. My eyes locked on his lips as they moved closer, my heartrate spiking as I waited for them to touch mine, but he stopped before they did.

“That I came to the diner and wooed you. My charm and looks were too much to resist, so I convinced you to stay out after work.”

I felt the faintest brush of his lips over mine before I huffed and pulled back to be able to meet his gaze.

“You mean your stubbornness and dick?”

Leo threw his head back and laughed as I fought to keep an answering smile off my face. It was always fun when I caught Leo off guard with something. He said I worried too much, but he didn’t laugh enough either.

He caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger as he rolled on top of me. I could feel his cock stirring where it was pressed against my leg, and my breath caught in my throat. An answering throb of need made my core clench.

“So, my innocent little Blossom can’t resist my dick?”

He tipped my head to the side, lips trailing from my ear down to my shoulder. The feel of his scruff against my skin sent a shiver through me, causing my nipples to pebble. Every time his mouth was close to my neck it made my whole body tighten, but my traitorous body wasn’t scared. It was bracing for a bite I desperately wanted but just as fanatically couldn’t allow.

“I resisted for over a month.”

He hummed in response, the vibrations waking nerves I’d thought too spent to respond.

“That was after only one night. You know how good it can be now.”