The sight of my office building snapped me back to the present. I wasn’t scared that my child wouldn’t be provided for, I knew Leo would take care of us whether I allowed him to claim me or not.

No, I was scared our child would suffer the loss of its father like I had, and that I’d end up pining away from a broken bond like Momma, leaving the poor thing with no one to take care of them. Michael had been young, but he’d given Momma and I purpose and done what he could to help.

I pushed all the worries away as I made my way to my desk and prepared for the day. Mondays were always busy with claims that came in over the weekend, so I knew I needed to focus to get done in time to search for doctors. I was barely a month along, but I couldn’t put it off.

The morning passed by in a rush and most of my coworkers had disappeared to lunch before I had a second to sit back and take a breath. Looking up from the screen in front of me, my heart skipped a beat when green eyes stared back.


Firm lips tipped up at the corners, sending a shiver down my spine. He might still call me an innocent blossom, but we’d done enough since my innocence was taken for just the sight of him to make my body heat in anticipation.

Addicted. That was the word for how he made me feel.

“I thought you might like to go to lunch with me.”

He raised his brows, head tipped to the side like it was a question, but we both knew he would have his way whether I wanted to or not. This was his response to me refusing to answer his calls for the past two days.

My stomach growled and I let out a sigh. For as finicky as it was being, it still insisted that I stuff it regularly, and the sandwich I’d brought for lunch sounded less appealing than going out for something.

Turning to see if anyone else was there to cover the phones, I caught Wendy peeking over her cubicle wall. Her eyes were wide, lips parted as her gaze locked on Leo. When she noticed me looking, she fanned her face, sending me a thumbs up and a grin that startled a laugh from me. I doubted Wendy knew who he was or she might have reacted differently, but any red-blooded woman could appreciate the way Leo looked in a suit.

“Do you mind?” I asked.

Wendy shook her head, making a shooing motion and assuring me she was fine covering the phones. Grabbing my purse, I stood and took Leo’s arm as he walked me from the building, quietly staking my claim to soothe the omega part of me fussing about another omega looking at Leo.

I had expected him to lead me to his car, but instead he turned and walked up the sidewalk.

“There’s a Greek restaurant a couple blocks from here, are you okay to walk?”

It was late summer, but the weather hadn’t been too hot, and after the chill of the office building, the air outside felt nice. I nodded and we continued in silence until we were seated at a little green table awaiting our lunch.

“Are you feeling better?”

He was being polite by not demanding why I ignored him all weekend and it made me feel guilty, but I’d needed the time to think. I didn’t want to know what his mother and Eleni probably thought of me after another abrupt departure from dinner with them.

“I am. I’m sorry for not coming over this weekend like I was supposed to.”

I picked at the napkin on the table, avoiding his gaze.

“I missed you.”

There was a gentle rebuke in his words, and I was torn between the guilt and being angry at the position I was in.

My silence had him reaching out to cover my hands with his. When I glanced up, his expression made me pause, and for some reason the worry on his face caused my own rising emotions to settle.

“You’re not… Are you…?”

He made a couple false starts before heaving a sigh. It was strange to see Leo so unsure of something when he usually reeked of confidence. But once he managed to get out his concern, my heart clenched at what he’d been scared of.

“Have you decided if you’re keeping it?”

His fear was groundless, though I realized he may not be aware of that. As unprepared as I felt, I was going to see it through.

“Of course. I’m going to find a doctor this week and book an appointment for a checkup to make sure everything’s okay.”

That fierce protectiveness he always tried to control returned, though I knew he tried to hold it back to give me the space I needed. It was one of the things that made me so sure he was a good alpha.

“I’d like to come with you.”