Each sentence came between licks and sucks on my pussy, making me gasp and writhe as he steered clear of my clit, denying me the tiny bit of pressure it would take to set me off. A finger joined his tongue, stroking along the sensitive flesh as I tried to steer his head where I needed it.

“I’m going to eat this pussy every day for the rest of my life. I’m going to fill it with my seed, over and over, until you’re ready to burst.”

I had to huff a laugh at that even as my legs twitched around his shoulders and my channel clenched on nothing.

“I’m already ready to burst.”

I pried open eyelids I didn’t remember closing and tried to look down at him, but the swell of my belly was in the way. All I could see was pink silk until Leo straightened, grinning up at me.

“And it’s fucking hot. I’m going to keep you like this until we have a whole slew of kids and you tell me you’re done.”

I was panting as he stood abruptly and leaned over me, reaching for the pillows that hadn’t been knocked off the bed. Drawing back with them in hand, he wrapped his other arm under my shoulders, stuffing the pillows behind my back before leaning me against them.

“And what if I say this is it? That I don’t want any more?”

It wasn’t true, but I wanted to see what he would say.

Stroking a finger along the side of my face from temple to jaw, he leaned down to brush his lips against mine before deepening the kiss when I opened for him. He stole the little breath I’d managed to catch, almost making me forget what I’d asked before he released my mouth and slid down to his knees again.

Now I could see him past my belly, and he held my gaze the whole time.

“Then I’ll be sad, but it’s your body, and I’ll respect your wishes. But we can still pretend I’m trying to breed you.”

He winked, grinning, before diving back between my thighs. I lost my train of thought when it felt like he sucked my whole pussy into his mouth, his tongue thrusting into my opening. I couldn’t look away from him even as I forgot how to breathe, and by the second suck my entire body was trembling with the orgasm barreling straight toward me.

Leo swirled his tongue inside me, and the world went white. My hips bucked, his arms coming around to hold me in place as sensations flowed out from my throbbing clit, flooding my body as every muscle tensed and relaxed. Ice then heat poured through my veins, every bit of me vibrating with the intensity until it became too much, and I had to push against Leo’s head to get him to stop.

I gasped as my muscles spasmed with the aftershocks. My movements had dislodged the pillows behind me and I was left staring up at the ceiling as my chest heaved and I tried to gather my scattered wits.

The brush of Leo’s skin against my inner thighs as he stood pulled my attention down to him, just that soft touch lighting a new fire in my core.

“I’d love to keep feasting on you, but I need to be inside you now.”

His words made my channel flutter, fresh slick preparing the way. All I could smell was the scent of us and sex, the hot, heavy aroma calling to my instincts.

Leo leaned forward and took hold of my arms, pulling me upright. My muscles felt weak, but I managed to stay upright when he released me and reached for the edge of my nightgown. There was a momentary flutter of uncertainty as he pulled it up and over my head, my body having changed so much since he’d seen it last, but the love and heat burning in his eyes as they raked over me soothed it away before his purr even reached my ears.

“You’re beautiful.”

Reaching under me to lift me and move me back into the middle of the bed, he crawled on top of the mattress, settling his knees between my spread legs. He let me lean back against the pillows he’d pushed along with me before leaning down to cup a hand over the tight stretch of skin across my belly, pressing his lips to it in a gentle kiss that brought tears to my eyes.

“It’s a girl,” I whispered, throat too tight to let anything more out.

His emerald eyes seemed to shimmer when he looked up at me, thumb rubbing circles on the muscles that supported my swollen womb.

“I wish I’d been there. I’ll regret it my whole life. I won’t miss another moment.”

I swallowed hard at the pain I saw on his face. The truth of his words was obvious, and if I could have taken us back in time so he could have been there, I would have.

“Have—Have you chosen a name?”

I shook my head, a shaky smile twitching into place.

“I couldn’t make up my mind. There’s so many I like, I just don’t know what will fit her.”

He kissed my belly again before moving up to give my lips a quick kiss as well.

“What about naming her after your mother?”