Iprobably should have made him work harder for my forgiveness, but it just wasn’t in me to punish him like that.

I wanted him.

I loved him.

And we’d already wasted enough time.

I was giddy with the relief of knowing Leo still wanted me. Wanted to be with me. My heart pounded as I rushed down the hall to my bedroom, leaving the door open as I shed my robe and dove into my nest. It was awkward with the belly, but I was too excited to worry about it once I’d wriggled around to lie on my back in the middle of the bed, panting with eagerness.

Leo’s footsteps echoed down the hall, drawing closer. My core seemed to throb in time with the sound, slick already seeping from me. The lower half of my body had seemed dead after Leo pushed me away, but just the scent of him had stirred sensation to life, my body reminding me how long it had been since I’d been touched.

Leo had turned me into an addict. I needed his touch, craved feeling him inside me, and as tangled as things were, I decided to listen to the instinct telling me this was what we needed to reconnect. To move on and get past the hurt.

My breath caught as his frame blocked the doorway, broad shoulders filling it as good as a door. I wouldn’t be able to slip past him if I tried, and part of me thrilled at the thought of being trapped by this alpha. This man, who had admitted he’d made a mistake out of fear, but was willing to do whatever it took to be with me.

I’d put myself last for too long. I knew I still had to look out for Michael, and soon I’d have a baby to care for as well, but in this, in this moment, I was taking what I wanted and leaving the what-ifs behind.

I shivered as Leo stepped into my room, goosebumps rising along my arms as I waited for him. Part of me was impatient to have him over me, but another part was reveling in the wait and anticipation.

Leo had loosened his tie but left it dangling around his neck. He worked his cufflinks free and pocketed them before shedding his jacket. The top half of the buttons on his shirt already hung open, and my mouth watered at the sight of the golden flesh peeking out from the crisp white fabric.

A moan slipped free without thought, my body already wound tight at the prospect of feeling him against me again. I hadn’t experienced it until now, but the doctor had told me that being pregnant meant there was more blood flow to the area, which could increase sensation and make it seem like I was going through another heat. I had to believe her now, because it felt like a single brush of a finger would set me off.

“Have you been a good girl, my sweet Blossom? Have you taken care of yourself while I wasn’t here?”

The animal part of me demanding he fill me immediately was irritated by his talking when his mouth could be doing better things, but the part of me that was still the overburdened woman struggling to survive coiled a little tighter at his words. She wanted her alpha’s approval, but anticipated punishment.

“I tried.”

Leo hummed in response as he pulled his belt from its loops, sending another shiver through me. He’d spanked me a few times, but always with his hand, though he’d trailed the leather along my bare skin and threatened to use it if I misbehaved. It had scared me then, but the thought of it now had my nipples tightening painfully as I clenched my thighs together.

“Well I’m here now, and I’m going to make sure you’re taken care of. You’ll have everything you need.”

“I needyou.”

My voice was breathy, the pounding of my heart making it hard to draw a full breath as I watched his shirt slide off his arms and flutter to the floor. I had to swallow the saliva pooling in my mouth at all that tight flesh, dusted with dark curls. I didn’t know if the sight of Leo in his suit or completely bare was more tempting, and I was glad I didn’t have to choose. I’d get both, every day, for the rest of our lives.

Because I wasn’t letting him get away again. I wouldn’t sit back and let someone else decide what was best for me. One way or another, we were going to work everything out, and I’d be his, the way he’d always claimed.

Because he wasmine.

The omega in me wanted to scratch and claw this alpha. Make him earn back what he’d pushed away so he would never do it again. She was half feral, demanding her pound of flesh, but also needing him to poundintoour flesh and reassure us that we were wanted.


Leo’s pants dropped and my mind went quiet for a moment, delighting in the sight of him. His shaft pointed straight up, the glistening tip showing how much he still wanted me.

“I’m yours, Cadence. Always. I swear it. No matter what it takes.”

His reassurances helped calm the part of me hammering to get out, and my eyelids drooped as he moved closer to the bed. It wasn’t the vast expanse that his was, and standing with his knees against the mattress, he was close enough for me to reach out and stroke a finger along the veins on the underside of his cock.

He groaned as it twitched, the stiff length straining toward me, but he moved out of reach before I could take hold of it. I realized I was pouting when my eyes met his and a little smirk lifted one corner of his lips.

“I still have some apologizing to do, and if you touch me like that, I won’t be able to hold back.”

His hands wrapped around my hips and jerked me to the edge of the bed, turning me so my legs hung over the side. I let out a squawk as the blankets bunched around me, pillows falling off the opposite side of the bed. I was too busy reaching for the others threatening to take the plunge to see Leo drop to his knees, shoving my thighs wide. He pulled my panties aside and his tongue swept through my slit, the ruined nest forgotten as my back arched and I tangled my fingers in the hair at the top of his head instead.

“I’ve missed this,” he mumbled into my folds as he licked another swipe along my lower lips. “I’ve missed you. I was stupid. I’m never leaving you again. You’re going to be mine. You taste so good.”