“Whatever. I’ll be shoutingGo Team Penisfrom here then. And don’t forget to pick me up,” he called as he ran toward the front doors at the sound of the first bell.

Chuckling and shaking my head, I put in the address for my appointment and headed downtown. I knew I’d arrive early, but I couldn’t contain my impatience despite changing my mind about finding out the sex almost daily. I was still on the fence, but leaning toward not finding out. Having it be a surprise would be fun, but then again, I didn’t like the neutral colors and I was impatient to start buying things in either pink or blue.

I parked the car almost forty minutes before my scheduled time. I waited for a little while before giving in and going inside, too jittery to remain in the car any longer, but sitting in the waiting room didn’t help. By the time the nurse came out and called my name, I was wound so tight I jumped from the seat.

“Are you ready to see your baby?”

I couldn’t control my grin as I nodded, rushing after her as she led me down the hallway.

“Oh yes!”

I settled onto a cushioned reclining seat in a dim room, raising my shirt as the tech prepared the machine. Holding my breath, my heart raced as warm goo was squirted onto my belly before the wand was pressed against me.

The office had a screen set up in front of me so I could see what the tech was looking at, and I gasped as the first image appeared before me. My sweet little baby, wiggling as the wand moved around to see them from all angles.

Time moved too fast once it began, and in what felt like only seconds, the tech was asking me the big question.

“Do you want to know the sex?”

I hesitated, but the opportunity was too much to resist. Hands clenching around my shirt, I gave in.


“You’re having a little girl.”

The tears I’d managed to resist until then poured down my cheeks. Momma had been right, and I had to chuckle at how Michael would groan when he found out he was going to be even further outnumbered.

Smiling, the tech passed me a tissue and finished up, helping me to my feet once the goo was cleaned away. I was so excited to get home and share the news with Momma and show her the little pictures I’d been given. I barely noticed the drive and was walking across the porch before I knew it.


I stepped inside and dropped my purse on the table. Not seeing her in the living room, I headed down the little hall to the kitchen where she usually was.


She wasn’t there either. My note still rested on the counter where I’d left it, her coffee cup sitting empty beside the pot. There was no sign she’d come out of her room since I’d left a couple hours earlier.

Confused, I turned and walked back to Momma’s bedroom door, hoping she’d just been tired and was still sleeping. Tapping lightly, I called again and waited for an answer, but none came.

I cracked the door, peeking into the dark room. A strange scent tickled my nose, but I huffed out a breath and opened the door wider. I needed to wash and remake her nest again, but I would save it for another day.

The curtains were still closed, so I could barely make out Momma’s sleeping form. She didn’t usually stay in bed so late, even after a restless night, and my concern overtook the bubble of joy I’d been riding.

“Momma?” I called again.

She didn’t stir, so I moved to the side of the bed, worried that she might be sick. Reaching out to shake her shoulder, the chill of her flesh made me jerk my hand back with a gasp, tears welling and falling before my mind caught up with what my instincts were screaming.

Chapter Thirty-Two


After months of hunting, we were finally certain of who was behind the attacks.

And we were about to get our revenge.

I checked the gun under my arm again, making sure it was ready to pull at a moment’s notice if needed. I wasn’t one of the front men, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t about to get my hands dirty. Even Dimitri and my father were here, although they waited inside the vehicles.

I gave one last glance around to be sure the men I could see were ready before giving the signal. They moved out in silence, and I counted to one hundred in my head before following after them with the second wave.