I’d been stunned at first. The sheer amount of numbers in front of the decimal left me wondering if there had been a mistake until I called my bank and double checked. I even waited two extra weeks to be sure it was really there, and really mine, before I was willing to touch it.

Everything that could possibly be paid off or paid ahead was covered, and I could quit my job at any time and probably live comfortably for at least the next decade if I managed my spending. I’d never do that, but it was good to know I had a cushion if I needed it.

Since my relationship with Michael had finally returned to what it had once been, I knew I couldn’t keep the news to myself, or recovering from another blow to his trust would be twice as hard. He’d been just as stunned as I was at first, then the tension melted from his body and he’d pulled me into a hug.

I’d insisted I was covering his first year of college. After that, we’d see how things were and figure it out from there.

A knock on my door pulled me back to the present.

“Dinner’s ready.”

“Be right down,” I called, pushing myself up and arranging my shirt to better hide my belly.

Momma seemed to be having a good day and was clearer than usual as we ate, so when Michael got up to clear the plates, I turned to her. Taking Momma’s hands, I was shocked to feel how thin and fragile they were. Momma had always been a slim woman, but taking a closer look, I realized the image of my mother I had in my head no longer matched the woman in front of me.

My heart gave a painful squeeze and I had to take a deep breath before I could speak.

“Momma, I’ve got something to tell you.”

I argued with myself over reminding Momma of my age before continuing but feared it might cause her to get upset before I even got to the important part. Momma seemed to view me at least close to my actual age for the moment, and that would have to be good enough.

“I—I met a guy at work, and we started seeing each other. I hope you’re not disappointed in me since it didn’t work out with him… but…”

I ducked my head, unable to look Momma in the eye as I confessed.

“I’m pregnant.”

I waited, breath held and shoulders hunched as if I expected a physical blow. I’d thought I was ready, but the fear of Momma’s disappointment returned in a rush, threatening to bring tears before Momma even said a word.

“Oh, my baby!”

Momma freed a hand to put a finger under my chin and raise my head. Meeting hazel eyes I’d always found beautiful, I waited.

“I’m not disappointed in you, sweetheart. I’m sorry things didn’t work out with the father. Men don’t always think through their actions, and sometimes we are left to handle the outcome on our own.”

Momma pulled me closer and wrapped two slim arms around my shoulders as the fear drained from my muscles. Resting my head on Momma’s shoulder, I fought back the urge to weep with relief.

“I’m sure you made the best decision you could, and I know you will love this baby with all your heart. You’re a good girl, and you’re strong,” Momma whispered in my ear.

A sob slipped free as Momma tightened her arms around me.

“You know I’ll be here for you.”

I reluctantly released her as she leaned back and pushed on my shoulders. Raising a hand to wipe the tears from my cheeks, she smiled, and I let a tentative one of my own pull at my lips.

“I’m gonna be a grandma.”

Momma beamed, turning to Michael to repeat the news.

“I’m gonna be a grandma!”

Pulling me in again, she gave me a peck on the cheek before pushing me back, her face going serious.

“What should I be called? There’s Grandma, or Grammy. Or Mema. Oh, Nana!”

She paused, face scrunching as I let out a chuckle. Eyes lighting up, Momma snapped her fingers.

“Nanny! She’ll call me Nanny.”