Emissaries from both Jose and Alonzo had come to us looking for help with the fight Jose had started between them, but my father used the excuse of the daily attacks to decline both of them. They’d never been close allies like Dimitri, but we’d done business with both of them, and we weren’t going to choose sides unless there was no other choice.

Still, the attacks continued, and despite Dimitri reluctantly working with us and sharing information, we hadn’t figured out who was behind them.

Which meant I was still putting Cadence in danger by following her.

Gritting my teeth, I peeled out from the side alley I’d pulled into to watch Cadence. I had held onto the hope that somehow, together, my father and Dimitri would get this whole thing settled quickly, and I’d find a way to wiggle out of my father’s demands.

That I’d be able to get Cadence back, even if it meant begging on my knees.

But we were still no closer to getting the attacks under control, and after more than one of our mated enforcers had reported suspicious alphas lingering near their homes, there was no way I could pull Cadence back into my world.

I had to let go.

A wave of hopelessness washed over me, but I forced it down. I had to believe my father was right. If I really loved Cadence, the best thing for her was to let her go. Keeping her with me was selfish. Tasia had been raised in my world, she knew the risks, and knew how to defend herself if necessary. She was familiar with being the cooped-up prize she’d always be.

Marrying her would cement the alliance with the person who could pose the biggest threat to us, and would one day unite the entire city under one name.

If I went through with it.

More and more I was disgusted with all the politics and bureaucracy my father handled daily. Never being able to trust someone not to turn on you and stab you in the back wasn’t a great way to live.

Neither was being shot at daily, or having to visit your oldest friend who could barely move from the wounds he took trying to save others.

I let out a sigh. I couldn’t keep torturing myself by following Cadence around. The risk was too great. It didn’t matter how careful I tried to be, there would come a time when it wasn’t enough, and someone would follow me to her and make the connection that she meant something.

That she was valuable to me.

I couldn’t let that happen, no matter the pain it caused not to hear her voice, or watch her belly grow with my child. I’d never even know if it was a boy or a girl, but I clung to the hope that without me in their life, they would both be safe.

Firming my resolve to stay away, I made my way across town out to Dimitri’s office. Dimitri refused to meet on our turf, and my father had yet to find neutral ground that was defensible in case we were followed, but I was tired of waiting. I’d show my faith in our allies by going to them.

And doing what my father wanted by asking to court Dimitri’s daughter.

I knew it wasn’t necessary to do it this way since, in the end, it would be her father’s decision, but I couldn’t imagine starting a life with someone I barely knew. Even if she wasn’t the woman I wanted by my side, I wanted to be sure there was a chance we could learn to be with each other, and maybe one day be happy. It was hard to imagine, but it was the only hope I had left.

Pulling into the parking lot of an old fish market, I made my way through the hawkers to the warehouse, heading to the back where Dimitri had his office. The sight of men in suits lounging around confirmed the older alpha was here, so I went to one sitting by a set of stairs leading up to a small room that overlooked the warehouse floor.

“I need to see Dimitri. Tell him Leo Galleon is here and has a proposition for him.”

Chapter Thirty


It wasn’t until my next appointment came that I realized another month had passed without Leo. While it had been hard to keep myself focused on the future those first few weeks, I slowly felt like I was returning to normal.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t still thinking about him. I kept an eye on the news, the fighting still going on, but seeming to slow. Each night that passed without a report of gunshots, I breathed a sigh of relief.

The baby was growing well, and I had reached the point where it was harder to hide my bump. I could still play it off as a little weight gain, but it wouldn’t be long before it was obvious that I was pregnant and not just having second helpings.

If people hadn’t figured it out from my scent already. Every alpha and omega I passed knew, but a beta’s sense of smell wasn’t as developed as the other dynamics, and I didn’t think anyone at work besides Wendy knew. The few alphas who worked in the office were in higher positions and I didn’t run into them often.

Lying on my bed, I caressed my belly, a soft smile on my lips despite my thoughts straying back to the man I knew I’d never forget. It had been hard not to message him when I realized what I was feeling inside was the baby kicking. It wasn’t frequent and still couldn’t be felt from the outside, but the doctor assured me the bubbly feeling in my lower belly was little movements. In another four weeks I’d be able to find out the sex, but I was debating over keeping it a surprise.

I’d also been trying to figure out how to tell Momma. I knew it was going to be hard since it wasn’t likely Momma would understand or remember, and I’d have to remind her frequently over the next few months, but I’d decided Michael was right. It was unfair of me not to share it because I didn’t think Momma would react well. I was sure there would be days when she didn’t, but it may not be as bad as I feared, and I couldn’t keep it hidden forever.

Sighing, I rolled to my side and stared out my window. There wasn’t much space in my room, but there was enough for a little bassinet beside my bed. Michael had volunteered to let me have his room for the baby since he’d be leaving for college in less than a year, but I’d told him I’d make do for now.

It was hard to wrap my head around the changes that were coming. Michael would start his senior year of high school in a few days, then shortly after the beginning of next year, I’d have a baby to care for. I’d worried about the time I would miss from work and being able to get all the things I might need until I’d found Leo’s parting gift.