
I trailed off, not sure how to say what I needed to get out.

“If anything were to happen… If something happened to me, or if we were in danger… Would you run if I told you to? Would you take care of my baby for me?”

Michael’s eyes widened as the color drained from his face. His mouth opened, though it took him a moment to find his voice. It wasn’t a request I should be making to a teenager, but I felt like my current life left no other option. I needed to know.

“Wh—What do you mean? What danger?”

I shook my head, looking away before I met his gaze again.

“I can’t explain. It’s not… It’s not something happening now or anything. I just need to know you’ll care for the baby if I need you to. That you’ll listen if I say you have to go.”

Michael still looked uncertain, and I knew he didn’t quite believe me, or even understand what I was asking. Still, he swallowed whatever questions he had and nodded.

“Of course. We’re family. I’d never abandon them.”

I had to hide my wince at his choice of words, but a bit of the tightness in my chest eased. Michael was young, and he’d made a bad choice that led me to the path I was on, but I knew I could count on him to do the right thing when it mattered most.

Shooting him the best smile I could muster, I released his wrist and finished heading to my room. I had to figure out what was going on with Leo, so I knew if I needed to make plans for the worst.

Chapter Twenty-Six


It seemed like the minute I tried to take a moment for myself, things fell apart. At least there was some good news with the bad.

There had been another attack, in broad daylight this time, but I finally had a lead. I knew things were crumbling with Cadence and I’d never convince her to come to the compound when I’d been neglecting her so much lately, but I couldn’t delay following up on the information I’d received.

I was careful to pull away from her office at a casual pace, but as soon as I was a few blocks away, I floored it. If what I’d been told was correct, our entire plan needed to change before my father made a giant mistake.

I pulled into my father’s compound, jumping from the car and racing inside the moment I slammed it in park. We were running out of time, and I was going to need every second left to prevent the war that was coming.

When I burst through my father’s office door, six heads turned to stare, hands on weapons. Once they realized it was me they relaxed, and my father raised a brow in question.

“I have information, but we need to double check it before we do anything.”


“Dimitri’s been attacked too, and it looks like Jose has as well, but they’ve been keeping it quiet. Jose is moving on Alonzo, but it sounds like Dimitri suspects us and is gathering his men.”

My father straightened in his chair. While Jose and Alonzo were in a different city, they were close enough it was possible either could be trying to extend their territory by taking over ours. If Dimitri suspected our family was responsible for the attack on him he could be planning to break our alliance, and since he’d been trusted, he had access that would let him deal a terrible blow if he did.

“Everyone in lockdown, now. Bring the families into the compound and send them to Aelia. The men report here once everyone is accounted for.”

My father looked at each man in front of him as he gave the orders. Protecting the women and children always came first, and without knowing where Dimitri stood, it was better to move them where it was easier to be sure they would be safe.

The captains nodded, standing and moving to carry out their orders. In the matter of a few hours, everyone attached to our family would be gathered at the compound. Mother would play host and distract the kids, while the wives who could, would provide support where it was needed.

Once the men left, my father motioned for me to take a seat. Even though I itched with the need to do something more, I sat as he made a call to prepare my mother for what was coming.

As soon as he was off the phone, he turned his full attention to me.

“We need to reach out to Dimitri. I need you there in my place.”

“Of course.”

There was no question. I would always stand beside my father. Even if he hadn’t told me to, I still would have gone.