My brows rose.


“The Walkers. Dimitri. Anyone who doesn’t stand with us will fall.”

Bile surged in the back of my throat at the thought of the bloodbath that would happen if my father went through with the threat, but I knew he was serious. He was a slow man to anger, but he didn’t hold back when he went on a warpath.

I nodded, pushing to my feet.

“I’ll handle it.”

Turning to leave, I paused when my father spoke again.

“You better figure your girl out. She can’t keep walking the line between being in or out. Either she comes and stays with your mother until this is over, or you need to cut her loose. She’s in danger and a liability otherwise.”

My throat closed but I forced another nod before walking through the door.

Chapter Twenty-Five


It didn’t surprise me when I woke with still no messages from Leo, but it was a bit of a shock when he didn’t reach out at all the whole day.

Or the next.

I didn’t go back to his place, and every time I reached for the phone to contact him, I forced myself to delete the message without sending it. Obviously he was too busy for me, or to even notice I wasn’t there.

I went another whole day without hearing from him before he came striding into my office at lunchtime. Despite the irritation over being ignored for so long, I couldn’t help the way my heart lurched and core clenched at see him again.


His one word greeting brought my focus back to the present. Leo’s eyes roamed my face before he leaned down to brace his hands on his side of my desk.

“Hey,” I returned, trying to keep my voice neutral.

“You didn’t come by last night.”

I huffed, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

“And you haven’t called.”

His tone held an accusing note, and I leaned back to cross my arms over my chest. It was hard not to wince when the motion reminded me how sensitive my breasts were despite being at the end of the first trimester. My research said the ache should end soon before returning again towards my due date.

Leo’s eyes trailed down to where the desk blocked his view of the rest of me. He couldn’t see the little bump that now graced my lower belly, but I was constantly aware of it.

“Neither have you.”

My retort brought his eyes back up to mine and I saw a flash of regret that made my heart want to melt. It was hard to stay angry at him when just the scent of him made my muscles relax and my body crave his touch.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy handling… an issue.”

Leo’s eyes darted around the office but it was mostly empty since everyone had left to go eat. I only hummed in response, doing my best not to give in to him. He needed to see how hurt I was by his lack of communication.

“I came to see if you wanted to go to lunch with me. I’ll be out late again tonight, so I won’t be able to see you then.”

The pleading look in his eyes cracked the shell I’d tried to form around myself. Glancing at the clock, I figured I still had time to go grab something with him. At least he’d made the effort to come see me.
