After talking to the man for a moment, Leo turned and crouched in my open door again.

“Roderic will ride with you to my building and be sure you get inside okay. Others are watching the entrances, so you’ll be safe there.”

His fingers tangled in the hair on both sides of my face, pulling me forward so he could kiss me. It was short and soft, but it helped settle my nerves.

“I’m so sorry this happened with you here, Cadence. I’ll be as quick as I can.”

The door on the opposite side of the car opened as Leo stood. Sitting back in my seat, I cut a glance at the man climbing in, surprised to realize he was Leo’s top guy, and comforted by his familiar presence.

“I’ll see you there,” I murmured as Leo closed my door.

Swallowing, I fumbled my keys back out of my purse and tried to put the wrong one in the ignition before I got it right. I pulled out into the street, Leo’s eyes following my car until I was out of sight. My nerves were still wound tight, but leaving the scene helped ease the panic that had flooded me.

It wasn’t until I turned a corner and the man beside me let out a grunt that I gave him a better look. It was Roderic, and he was one of the few who would stay with Leo and meet with others who didn’t work for the Galleons. He occasionally guarded the doors, but more often he was doing patrols between the others who guarded the club.

Trailing my eyes over his shoulder, I noticed the torn fabric of his jacket but didn’t make the connection until my gaze landed on his hand.


“Oh my God! Are you okay?”

I reached toward him before pulling my hand back, not sure if touching him would cause more pain. My eyes darted between him and the road as I debated over pulling into an empty lot to trying to help him.

Roderic grunted again, shifting positions before casting a glance at me.

“I’ll be fine. It’s just a graze. I’ll patch it up at home.”

My eyes bugged out a little at his nonchalant attitude. The man had clearly been shot.

“Are you sure I shouldn’t take you to the hospital?”

The words slipped out before I thought them through, but his raised brow and blank stare told me how stupid the question was without him having to say it. I focused on the road ahead, blowing out a slow breath as I prepared to turn into the parking garage beneath Leo’s building.

“Sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” I muttered. “I could take you to Leo’s father?”

Another grunt was the only response I received, so I pulled into my usual spot, feeling awkward about going up to Leo’s suite without him home. I’d stopped by a few times to grab clothes, but I’d never just hung out there alone.

I shrugged off the feeling as I climbed out of the car, but I wasn’t able to stop myself from peeking at my passenger seat as Roderic stood to be sure there were no bloodstains on the fabric. I had no idea how I’d explain that to Michael.

The silent alpha followed me to the elevator, waiting beside me until the doors slid open and I stepped inside. I still felt fidgety, the adrenaline draining from my system leaving my muscles twitching and my brain on overdrive.

“Are—Are you coming?” I asked when he didn’t follow me into the elevator. I didn’t want to be alone with the alpha any longer than necessary, but the thought of going up to Leo’s silent apartment was intimidating.

Roderic’s brow twitched as he looked at me from the corner of his eye, his expression still stoic despite the pain he had to be in.

“I’d prefer to live through the night.”

The doors began to close, cutting me off from the only support I had left without Leo. Roderic still stood where he was, half watching me as he scanned the parking garage. My spine tingled with a hint of fear at the fact that he felt the need to look for danger here, but I assured myself it was only precautionary.

“Well, thank you Roderic,” I said before we were separated. “I hope you heal quickly.”

His lips twitched in the hint of a smile as he finally focused on me.

“Always do.”

Chapter Nineteen
