Headlights swinging across the alley pulled my attention away from the men coming through the door at my side. The streetlight glanced off the silver Toyota symbol, and my heart stopped again.


Chapter Eighteen


Ipulled into my usual spot in the alley beside Leo’s club. When I opened the door and stood, I noticed light spilling from the open doorway above and looked up to see who was there. I still did my best to avoid the men Leo was associated with when I could, but I knew a few of his regulars.

“Cadence! Get back in the car!”

Leo’s voice pulled my attention to the right as a figure barreled down the stairs. The words didn’t make sense until he yelled again.

“Get back in the car!”

My breath caught in my throat at his roar. Stumbling backwards, my bottom hit the edge of my seat as he rounded the base of the stairs. I pulled my feet into the car as Leo ran toward me, the sudden pop of gunfire causing my heart to stutter as I instinctively ducked.

More gunshots rang out from above. I jumped at each one, waiting for pain to bloom somewhere as a scream ripped from my throat.

My door slammed shut, making me flinch and scream again as I turned to peer through the window. Leo crouched beside my car, gun clutched in his hand, aimed toward the back of the alley. I heard more people pouring down the stairs, but the gunfire mercifully stopped, though my ears rang with echoes of it.

I still couldn’t bring myself to sit up. Forehead resting on the wheel, my chest heaved as I fought the urge to vomit. My pulse fluttered in my throat, the nervous sweat that had sprung up leaving me shivering in reaction.

It was a few minutes before Leo stood from his crouch and pulled my door open. Leaning down, he gathered me into his arms as well as he could with me still in the seat, and sobs broke free before I could stop them.

“Shhh. It’s okay now. They’re gone. I’m so sorry.”

He murmured in my ear, stroking my hair as I clung to him, his purr finally drowning out the ringing in my ears. I’d heard gunshots from a distance before, but never so close, and never in a situation where I thought I might be hit.

Leo leaned back, adjusting his grip to pull me from the car, but I wiggled away, clutching the steering wheel again.

“No! I—I can’t.”

There were tears on my lashes, and I was sure I looked a mess. I hated the thought of being separated from Leo, but there was no way I could get out of the car and walk into a building now sporting bullet holes.

“I don’t want to go in there Leo. Please. Not tonight.”

I sniffled, trembling in my seat, but clinging to his arm. I saw the worry on Leo’s face, and I knew he would have things he needed to take care of here, but I couldn’t stay.

His hand moved to cup my cheek, pulling me in to press a kiss to my forehead.

“Do you want to go home, or will you wait for me at my place?”

I sniffled again. I’d been looking forward to spending more time with Leo, but the fear that whoever had been shooting would return was too much for me to leave the safety of my car.

But there was also fear of someone following me home.

“I—I’ll go to your place.”

“You remember the code?”

I gave a short nod, sucking in a deep breath. He’d made sure I had a key and knew the code even though I rarely had to use them.

“Good girl. One of my men is going to ride with you over there, and there are others in the building who will keep you safe until I get there. Okay?”

I nodded again. I’d passed his enforcers as they guarded doors and kept an eye on things inside the club, and while I usually wouldn’t have been comfortable having one of them in my car without Leo, I was glad I wouldn’t be alone.

Leo stood and turned, calling to one of the men standing by the stairs. I forced myself to breathe through my nose, slowing my heartrate as I waited for whoever he was sending with me.