“How is sweet Blossom? I haven’t seen her in a while.”

I turned to face Madame as she moved to the railing beside me. I wasn’t sure why she was at the club so early, but I wasn’t going to question her. I’d given her free rein long ago and she’d never given me reason to regret it.

“She’s been a bit tired lately, so we don’t stay at the club long, if we come at all.”

Madame’s expression remained blank, but she nodded as she looked out at the expanse below them.

“The pregnancy will do that to her, and while you think you feel possessive now that she’s available, it’ll get worse as she grows. She’ll feel better in the second trimester, but the exhaustion will return in the third. You should plan the wedding for before then unless you want to wait until after the birth.”

My brows rose. I hadn’t told Madame about the pregnancy, or even that I planned to propose.

“How do you—”

The arc of one painted eyebrow caused the words to stick in my throat. I let out a huff, shaking my head as I turned to watch my employees below. I’d kill to know where she got her information, but she refused to share her source.

“It’s easy to see for those paying attention. Have you proposed yet?”

I didn’t bother fighting my grin of triumph at the reminder. Madame’s lips tipped up as she turned to me.

“I’m glad to see it turned out well. If she needs help, let me know. I doubt I’ll ever have a pregnant omega to pamper.”

Madame turned and made her way through the door to the back area before I could respond. I chuckled and shook my head, but I was sure Cadence would be glad for the offer. Cadence enjoyed her company, and if I wasn’t so sure Cadence was mine and Madame would never encroach, I might be more leery of the other alpha’s intentions.

Forcing myself to straighten and quit wasting time, I went to my office and began working through my daily tasks. I had a couple hours until Cadence arrived, but I was tempted to take her straight back to my penthouse to finish what we’d begun earlier.

One taste of her was never enough. She was going to be lucky to escape my knot before dawn.

I was nearing the end, waiting for Cadence to arrive at any moment, when gunshots made my head snap up. The sound was muffled, but my instincts recognized the threat, and I could tell it was coming from nearby.

Lurching from my chair, the papers I’d so carefully worked through scattered across the floor. More shots were fired as I flung open my office door, head jerking in the direction of the sound.

The back entrance.

Where Cadence came in each night.

There was a moment when my heart completely stopped before thundering into overdrive. I almost forgot to return to my desk and grab the gun I kept hidden there before racing down the hall. I wasn’t one who felt the need to carry at all times, but those few precious seconds made me swear to never be out of arms reach of a weapon again.

My heart was still racing as I approached the last corner before being in sight of the rear door. I forced myself to slow down instead of careening around it into the unknown, taking a cautious peek to be sure it was clear.

Empty space greeted me, though the back door stood ajar. I jogged to it, the sound of ragged breathing causing me to slow again before pushing it open with my gun aimed through the crack.

Roderic was leaning against the railing around the landing, pistol aimed down the alley beside the building. His arm was steady but he grunted with each breath.

“What happened?” I barked, raising my own weapon in case there was a threat I didn’t see.

The brick beside me was peppered with holes proving shots had been fired, and Roderic’s wheeze said the building wasn’t all that had been hit.

“A man approached the door, but he wasn’t anyone I recognized. When I asked who he was he drew a gun. I managed to knock him down the stairs but there were two others waiting where I hadn’t seen them. They ran down to the end, but I don’t think they left. I didn’t want to chase in case there are others nearby and they’re trying to draw me out.”

My attention turned to the man beside me for a moment and I finally noticed the red smeared on his hand and the hole torn in his jacket. I couldn’t tell how bad the bleeding was since the suit was black.

“You good?”

Roderic grunted. He’d been in enough scrapes to know his limits.

“One grazed my side, and another hit my arm, but I’ve got your back unless we’re running a marathon.”

I huffed as I heard footsteps running up from behind. My men had heard the shots, but most weren’t close enough or hadn’t moved as quick as I had.