Igaped at Leo, head spinning. It was one shock too many, and my mind had gone blank, mouth working without sound. I had no idea how to respond.


It was the only thing I could manage, eyes flitting from his kneeling form to the tiny box he held in his free hand. I never would have expected him to propose, and I was scrambling to come up with a reason why it would be a terrible idea to give voice to what my mind was screaming.


This was Leo. The father of the child just confirmed to be growing inside me. The man who'd been relentless in his pursuit of me. The one who held me every night and made the rest of the world disappear.

"Leo, I..."

My vision wavered as I took in the delicate ring inside the velvet box. I would have expected Leo to go for something extravagant and flashy and totally outside my taste, but the princess cut diamond with a wrap that looked like a flower blossom was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

"I know I'm not the one you imagined yourself settling down with, but I promise to give you everything you need. You'll never want for anything that's within my power to provide."

"Leo," I had to stop to gulp in a breath. "The only thing I want is you. I've wanted you from that night on the stage. But—"

"No buts! I want you, and you want me. We're having a baby. I know your family and mine complicate things, but we’ll find a way to work it out. Together."

My heart stuttered as I took in the serious expression on his face. His smile had melted away, and my chest ached at the hint of fear I saw in the back of his eyes. There was nothing but truth in his words, but was it worth the risk?

Could I live my life as a Galleon?

Could I risk losing him?

I swiped my free hand across my eyes, trying to clear the tears that kept threatening to fall. Leo still clung to my other hand, holding up the ring that would signify my acceptance that I was his.

I always had been.

Months ago I’d decided to quit denying myself the right to live and do the things I wanted, so I sucked in a deep breath and gave in.

"Yes. Yes, Leo, I’m yours."

The grin that spread across his face lifted a weight from my chest. I pushed aside the part of my brain screaming that this was stupid and irresponsible. I'd known I was Leo's for too long to deny I was willing to be stupid for him. The child growing inside me was proof enough of that.

He rose to his feet, releasing my hand to pluck the ring from the box before grabbing my fingers again. I trembled as he slipped it onto my ring finger, the rose-gold blossom even more beautiful against the pale background of my skin.

He grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss before I was done admiring it, his tongue darting into my mouth to steal what little of my wits remained. There was no other response I could have given. My heart belonged to Leo, I only had to hope I wouldn't end up losing him and it.

I moaned into the kiss as he deepened it, but the sound of the door opening behind him made my eyes pop open as I fought to pull away. Leo held me a moment longer, taking his time with a slow stroke along my tongue before he released my lips and straightened again.

The nurse was trying to hide a knowing grin when I peeked around him. My face burned at the embarrassment of being caught, but it didn't lessen the way my heart still fluttered in my chest.

I’d said yes. To Leo. To marrying him.

But he wanted more.

The moment the thought crossed my mind the worries tried to shove their way in, but I wasn't going to let it ruin the moment. I'd thought this was the best day of my life when I heard my baby's heartbeat, and Leo's proposal only increased my happiness. Nothing was going to take it from me. I could worry tomorrow.

It didn't take long for the nurse to draw my blood and let us know we could go. Leo wrapped an arm around me to lead me from the building as I stared at the ring once again. I couldn't pull my eyes away, and Leo finally let out a laugh as he helped me into the passenger seat of his car.

"I take it you like it?"

"It's so beautiful. I don't know how you found something so perfect," I breathed.

My eyes started burning again with the threat of more tears, but I refused to cry. Leo smirked at me from the open door, taking my hand in his to press a kiss over the ring and knuckle it rested against.

"I had it made for you. My sweet Blossom."