Leo stiffened and the softness in his face disappeared. It felt like a stab to the chest, but I couldn’t worry about his feelings before I was sure of mine, and I needed rest so I could think straight.


Silence surrounded us as I followed him to the elevator. I didn’t argue when he entered with me, bringing me down to the parking garage and walking me to my car. He opened the door for me, but grabbed my wrist before I could climb in.


He cut off on a raged breath, the only sign of his own struggle. His green eyes seemed to burn, and I clenched my teeth to keep from trying to comfort him.

“Don’t forget you’re not alone.”

Trying to swallow the lump in my throat, I nodded. He released my wrist and I ducked into my seat, the door closing softly as I gripped the wheel. It took a moment to realize I didn’t even have my purse with the keys, but when I turned to reach for the door, Leo was holding it outside the window.

I rolled it down and accepted the bag, not meeting his gaze, because I knew if I did, I wouldn’t be strong enough to leave. I already ached to have his arms around me again, his purr in my ears as I drifted off to sleep, but if I stayed, I’d always question the motivation behind the choices I made.

I had to put myself first for once.

“Thank you.”

Putting the window back up, I watched from the corner of my eye as he backed away, giving me enough room to pull out. I cranked the car and threw it in reverse before the pressure inside tore me apart.


I needed space so I could process the new direction my life was taking.

And maybe I’d find a way to admit what I’d wanted even before Leo changed my life once again. Was I brave enough to risk it?

Chapter Ten


Ispent the weekend lying under the blankets, staring at the wall. I’d ignored Leo’s texts and calls. My brother thought I had a stomach bug and had called into work since I didn’t leave for the shift he still thought I worked at the diner.

I was going to have to come clean soon. I couldn’t keep putting it off.

Sighing, I levered myself off the mattress. I couldn’t call into the office, as much as I wanted to keep hiding in my room. It was now my only source of income for my growing family.

Hiding from the consequences of my actions wasn’t going to make them go away. Just like avoiding Leo wasn’t going to magically make him forget I was carrying his baby.

Sucking in a deep breath, I forced myself to get dressed. I couldn’t keep worrying about all the maybes and what-ifs. Each problem was a hurdle I was going to have to face head-on and deal with the fallout as it happened.

Saying goodbye to Momma and Michael, I headed out to the bus stop. I had to get over my discomfort about using the bus. Even though Michael was still on summer break, I didn’t like leaving them without transportation in case something happened, and I’d have to use it once he needed the car for school again. There was something soothing in the routine of going out and waiting at the stop, though I could have lived without the smells.

I stared out the window so I couldn’t see if anyone was staring at me and considered what my next move needed to be. Nine months felt so long when I was used to living day to day, but I knew it would pass faster than I was ready for. Searching for an OB seemed like a good place to start my plans.

Most surprise pregnancies meant having to inform the father once it was confirmed, but that was unnecessary since he’d been there. Leo already knew.

The memory of his warm arms wrapped around me as he purred helped me stay calm, though I kept going back and rereading his last message to me.

“You were always going to be mine, Cadence. I’ll do everything in my power to protect and provide for you and our baby. Everything will be taken care of. I don’t regret anything but making things more difficult for you, and I hope you’ll reconsider allowing me to claim you.”

I knew the truth in his words, and as much as I might want to deny it, my heart lurched each time I read them. Being unbonded was a risk, and I had no idea how being pregnant would affect my scent.

Would it make me less appealing to other alphas?

Would it make them more desperate to claim me?

The animal world was full of males who would kill the offspring of others to bring the mother back into season, was I putting my baby at risk by not being bonded to Leo?