“Two minutes.”

He took hold of my hips when I turned to face him, pinning me between the counter and his hard body. As confused as I was, a swirl of desire still stirred in my belly at the feel of him against me. Even soft, there was no way to miss the bulge between his legs.

“No matter what happens, it’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out together.”

His green eyes bore into me, showing me he meant every word. The fist around my chest loosened, and I sucked in another deep breath, pushing away the worries trying to force their way in.

An insidious part of my brain tried to whisper that he’d done this on purpose, to trap me, but I squashed it even before he spoke again.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t more careful. I didn’t mean to make things harder for you.”

He cupped my cheek, thumb stroking beneath my eye. I hadn’t realized I was crying again, and I blinked to clear the tears away.

“It’s not your fault. Neither of us were prepared. I should have been smarter.”

My voice was rough, but I knew what I said was true. I should have gotten birth control as soon as I proposed my plan to repay him, but I’d never even thought about it. Omegas were more fertile than betas, especially during their heat, but it was almost unheard of for one to get pregnant before they were bonded. Some part of me had been convinced it couldn’t happen if he hadn’t claimed me.

“It’s not your fault either. We both should have taken precautions. I was too caught up in wanting and wooing you to think straight.”

I chuckled despite everything. Leo was good at shaking me out of my own head and bringing back a little humor when I got lost in worries.

“So you werewooingme with your dick? Is that what we’re calling it?”

His smirk brought warmth to my chest, and he gripped my chin to give me a quick kiss before breaking away again.

“Why, did it work? I’m pretty sure it’s my best feature, so if it hasn’t convinced you yet, I’m going to have to work a lot harder.”

Huffing, I shook my head, but the mirth drained away when he glanced at his watch again. Giving me another kiss, he pulled back and forced me to meet his gaze.


Chewing my bottom lip, I filled my lungs and held it as I nodded.

Leo reached for the grip at the end of the stick, flipping it over before the fear had a chance to grow. Air gusted out of my mouth as my lips popped open, those two little lines rewriting my entire life in a moment.

Tears filled my eyes as my hands moved to cradle my belly and the little surprise growing inside. Leo wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me to his chest, his purr deafening as it echoed through the bathroom. Emotions swirled and fought, surged and ebbed, spinning me around and flipping everything upside down.





I had no idea how long we stood there before the storm settled. I sagged against Leo, my body limp and drained, his arms and purr the only thing holding me up.

“I’m tired.”

It didn’t seem like the right thing to say, but it was the only thing left. It was all I could think of.

“Okay. We can lay down.”

It took everything I had to straighten and hold myself up on my own as Leo’s hold loosened. Knowing I didn’t really have the strength to resist, I shook my head and hoped he’d listen.

“No, I need to go home.”

After what I’d been through since dinner, I felt empty, and while it was nice to have Leo’s strength to lean on, I needed to get some space so I could figure out my thoughts on my own before facing the distraction he created. I wanted to be sureIwas the one making my decisions.