Aria paused, noticing the way this man was very deliberately trying to seem nonchalant in his questioning. He could be a reporter, trying to get a scoop. She paused to set him straight, but they were both startled by the sudden blinding flash of a camera exploding against the dull grey concrete around them.
Aria inwardly groaned. She had spent so much time protecting her socialite best friend from the paparazzi and she had no wish to answer any invasive questions about the failed wedding. Especially since Priya was still missing.
But the photographer disregarded her completely, their focus solely upon the mysterious man at the end of the steps. ‘Nysio Bacchetti, what are you doing in Manhattan?’
The man, clearly shocked at being addressed by name, began to walk away towards the side of the building, but the reporter was relentless, caging him with questions and snapping photo after photo.
‘Hey, leave him alone,’ Aria shouted, only to be thoroughly ignored. The rain fell down upon her as she stepped out from the portico and ran down the steps. ‘I said leave the man alone, for goodness’ sake.’
The paparazzo scowled, stopping only to press a few buttons on his camera then turning back to continue his photographic assault. A single wheezing breath sounded out loud over the soft patter of rain around them. The gorgeous man in the fancy suit had stopped retreating and was now frozen in place, half leaning against the thick branch of a tree as his breaths came hard and fast.
‘What did you do to him?’ Aria raised her voice, pushing past the paparazzo and using her body as a makeshift shield.
‘Hey, I never got closer than six feet. Just trying to earn a living, lady. It’s nothing personal. He’s some fancy Italian billionaire, you’d think he’d be used to this.’
With a shrug, the pap turned and jogged away down the street, leaving Aria alone to deal with said fancy Italian billionaire, who was now really in difficulty. He pushed away from the tree, listing to one side as he tried and failed to gather himself. His eyes widened when she moved closer and grabbed his hand.
‘Are you okay?’ she asked, then instantly scolded herself. ‘Sorry, that’s a stupid question. You’re clearly hyperventilating. Are you asthmatic?’
The man shook his head, somehow managing to look haughty and irritated by her babbling even as he fought to remain upright.
‘Okay...maybe try to count out your breaths?’ she urged him, using her hands to mimic the action of slow calm breaths in and out of her own chest. She felt rather helpless, her mind clutching at the few times she’d helped Priya through moments of anxiety. Assuming that was what this was. His breaths were coming sharp and shallow, even as he held her at arm’s length, trying to get himself under control.
‘Mr... Bacchetti, Nysio, was it? Let me help you.’ She eyed him, wondering if he was too far gone to even register her words. But then his blue gaze met hers, the pleading look in them the first sign of vulnerability he’d shown. She was deeply relieved when he allowed her to take his hand, using his own fingers as tools to count out his breaths.
‘Focus on your senses one at a time,’ she said calmly. ‘Look at my hand on yours, feel my touch, listen to my voice. Breathe.’
After a few minutes, his erratic breathing began to slow and Aria let out the breath she’d been holding herself, glad that he wasn’t in danger of fainting on her. He was incredibly tall and even more broad and she wouldn’t have had an easy time trying to break his fall. Now that he was out of danger, she should leave. Time was ticking and she still needed to track down Priya and figure out how on earth she was going to get home.
But when she made to take a step away, he surprised her by holding onto her hand. The heat of his skin seared into her, sending shivers up her wrist. She wanted to pull away, to keep some space between them, and yet she remained firmly in place.
‘I’d just like some privacy for a moment. I have no wish to engage with any more of the New York press just yet.’
She frowned down at his hand, puzzled by something. ‘Were you invited to the wedding today?’
‘No. I’m here on business.’
‘That paparazzo mentioned that you are someone important. A billionaire.’ She narrowed her eyes on him. ‘But I saw you watching all the drama from across the street. Then you waited around afterwards...why?’
She moved to step out of his embrace, but her dress had somehow got snagged on a low-hanging branch during their conversation and the resulting pull made her trip, falling sideways into him. He reached out to steady her, his hand coming in contact with her bare kneecap. The touch made her entire body jolt, as though a current of electricity had passed from his strong fingers and into her skin.
Their eyes met and she gulped. That same angry vulnerability still burned in his deep blue eyes but the pupils were now wider, his nostrils flared slightly and she was pretty sure that his chest was rising and falling a little faster than it had been seconds before. Was she imagining it or was he flexing his fingers ever so slightly, tightening that grip and watching her reaction?
He inhaled sharply, still not fully recovered. ‘I told you, I’m here on business. I stopped to make a call...but then I saw everyone leave and you remained. I intended to come to your rescue. Not the other way around.’
Against her will, Aria found herself smiling, a shaky laugh escaping her chest at the utterly ridiculous turn this day had taken. ‘Just your friendly neighbourhood superhero in a pink bridesmaid dress.’
‘Bridesmaid?’ He frowned.
‘Did you not see the bride who just ran off down the street? My best friend. Well, possibly my ex-best friend now that she’s abandoned me here.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Quite inconvenient when I’m supposed to be on a flight back to London in less than three hours and all of my things are in her apartment.’
‘So I was right, youwerein need of assistance.’
‘I suppose so.’ She shrugged, tensing at just how uncomfortable it felt to admit that. To admit that she needed help. For so long now she had made a point of ensuring she got by just fine on her own, not relying on anyone else. Things were just easier that way. Safer.
He was quiet for a moment, his eyes assessing her with a shrewd intensity that made her squirm a little. Her chest flushed, her skin felt slightly fizzy and, was quite embarrassing, the effect this man was having on her.
‘I happen to be on my way to the airport. Let me help you.’