No. No, he was not.

Grimly Niko put his rampant lusty thoughts on ice. This wasn’t one of his usual offshore weekend flirtations. This was a permanent problem and the whole thing was complex enough without him tossing gunpowder into the mix. For all his security reports, he barely knew her. More importantly she certainly didn’t know him, nor what royal life was like or what the expectations on her would be. He had to keep his focus on the basics required. That was an arrangement they could both cope with. One that would be supportive. Discreet. Manageable.Controllable. He’d intended to keep things calm this morning, not to let his annoyance about her escape attempt show. He’d been going to make her feelsafeand confident about staying in Piri-nu with him. That she had nothing to fear from him.

Instead he’d gotten his hands on her the first chance he had and dived into an all-out lust-fest that had backfired completely—

With a frustrated growl he turned his back on the beach so he couldn’t stare after her anymore. He’d return to the boat and ensure the damned thing was moored securely. He hadn’t had the chance to double-check what with her rash leap overboard. Plus he’d get the electronic gear he’d not been able to bring in the water. He’d not had the mental capacity to explain all that to her when she’d questioned him on his plans. Truthfully his mental capacity had been zilch. And maybe it was rude of him not to take the time to show her to her room, but if he’d taken her in there now he’d have seduced her in seconds. Given what had just happened in the water he knew he could. He’d have taken everything but frankly, given the battle he was still having with an extremely intense arousal, they’d have finished in less than five minutes.

Not happening.Ever.

Because while Niko wasn’t afraid of having fun with a woman, he didnotlose control of himself in any situation. Yet just then he almost had and hestillcouldn’t stop thinking about the one tiny taste he’d had of her. She’d been ardent and sweet and the answering thrusts of her tongue as her wet body writhed against his were going to haunt him hard. As it was, all he’d wanted for the last twenty-four hours was to have her in his arms again and it had been hotter than he’d ever imagined, so how was he going to cope with this intense attraction while they were stuck together here?

He needed a bloody ice bath.

Maia had to force herself not to press her hands to her lips, which were still tingling from the intense press of his. She desperately suppressed memories of that teasing flick of his tongue, the sheer force of his passion—the sensual guidance of his hands, of his lips, compelling her to open for him—but her body rebelled, still tingling, still aching for more. Steadying her shaken emotions was impossible so she forced herself to focus on what she couldsee. The problem was that what she saw simply made her already erratic pulse skip even more.

It was pure, undiluted paradise—the beach was a sweeping arch of sand that led to lush emerald trees while a dramatic mountain rose up behind. She tried—and failed—not to fall deeper beneath the spell of her location with every step. If she were alone she might have cried at the beauty of it—theluxury—but she wasn’t alone so she held it together like always as Aron, the elderly servant, pointed out the facilities in a smooth, calming tone that she deeply appreciated.

The stunning mansion was secreted away in the heart of lush green palm trees, and its own focal point was a gorgeous outdoor area. Aron gracefully gestured to the lounge chairs dotted perfectly at the rear of the infinity-edged salt-water pool and spa and to the dining area with elaborate outdoor kitchen and barbecue. Conscious that she was dripping a trail of water behind her, Maia was speechless as Aron showed her through main building—the relaxing living room, the formal dining room, then large gym and den on the lower floor.

‘Your suite is this way.’ Aron then led her to a separate building connected to the main via a shaded walkway. ‘The king’s suite is through there.’ Fortunately they kept walking. ‘It has his study and other personal facilities.’

The bedroom suite Aron took her to was a dream, with polished wooden floors, vast windows and dreamy, luxury linen. It encapsulated peace and space and everything a tired lonely person could long for. Light, neutral drapes created a soothing frame for the most stunning view she’d ever seen. While she loved the water and was so at home there, this was the best slice of land she’d ever seen. This was pristine beach and beautiful trees and it evoked a sense of serenity as well as that beautiful blue of the water—the endless expanse to the horizon was so evocative of the freedom she’d always longed for.

‘Are there other staff on the island?’ She finally overcame her embarrassment enough to indulge her curiosity.

‘Rarely,’ Aron replied.

‘None at all?’ She was amazed. While she didn’t want to be rude, Aron seemed awfully old to have to maintain this entire property all by himself.

‘The king values the privacy he has here.’ He shook his head. ‘I served the king’s father and his grandfather before him. It is an honour to work for King Niko and this is the most beautiful place in the world.’

She wondered if this was a reward for the elderly loyal staffer. ‘You don’t get lonely?’

‘Since my wife passed on it brings me peace to be here. My children and grandchildren are frequent visitors. King Niko allows them use of all the facilities. He’s very generous.’

She felt that embarrassment heat her cheeks again. ‘Does the king often stay here?’

Did he bring other women here? Aron hadn’t appeared to be phased by that mortifying display on the beach. Perhaps all this was normal for Niko. Yet the thought of other women being here and enjoying this luxury made her unreasonably irritable.

He was frequently photographed with women when he was abroad, but not filmed actuallykissingany—a hand on the back, perhaps, a gesture that could be construed as chivalrous, not lecherous. But the insinuation of intimacy was there—the stars in the model or actress or socialite’s eyes said it all. Every time. With every one of them. But Maia was not jealous. She had no interest in nor claim on him. Except if theywereto marry—then that would have to be discussed, because she refused to be an unwanted wife whose husband repeatedly cheated on her. She wasn’t going to sit around and be humiliated even if the marriage was to last only a short time.

‘He stays only occasionally and for a few nights at most,’ Aron answered. ‘Please let me know if there is anything you need. This room hasn’t been used since the refurbishment and I might have forgotten a couple of things in my hurry to get it ready this morning. Do forgive me if that’s the case.’

‘When was the refurbishment?’ she couldn’t resist asking.

‘Coming up eight years now.’

‘No one has stayed in this room ineightyears?’ Maia gazed again at the serene, spacious room with its stunning view. What a waste it seemed. Yet something curled within her—pleasure at being special—that she was allowed to use this precious space when almost no one ever did.

Of course, it dawned on her only a moment later that if Niko did bring women here they probably stayed inhissuite.Idiot.

‘I think you’ve done a beautiful job preparing the suite. Thank you,’ she muttered shyly. ‘I’m sorry about this puddle I’ve left...’

Aron’s eyes twinkled. ‘King Niko likes things to be very relaxed here and it is a beach house, at heart. A little water won’t hurt the floors. I will leave you to freshen up now.’

She didn’t know what was to be expected. What they were going to do. How she was ever going to get free now. She was grateful for the space to process what had happened. Of course her escape from the palace had been too easy to be real. Perhaps it was part of a plan to subdue her—to seduce her into submission? If so, how she was going to resist him? Part of her simply didn’t want to. Maybe he would try everything he could to get what he wanted. But maybe she would do the same.

She peeled off her damp work trousers and hung them over the railing in the hopes they would dry super quickly in the rising heat as the day matured. She wanted to check out that pool and the beach but she wasn’t sure of the protocol. Playing it safe she went to the bathroom and rinsed off in the gorgeous shower—trying not to think about that kiss while constantly thinking about nothing else. When she emerged she discovered her clothes were gone from where she’d hung them. Aron had clearly slipped in and out of her suite again as there was now a silk robe on the small chair at the foot of the massive bed.