‘It’s too noisy.’

‘So you thought you’d ring me instead, at 3:00 a.m. Little bit spoilt of you, Ruben.’

‘What can I say? I was an only child.’

She heard the smile then. Smiled back in response but was glad he wasn’t there to see just how easily he brought her onside.

‘You ever had phone sex?’ he asked.


Lightning hit her heart, instantly sucking her into an intimate vortex. ‘Are you sure you haven’t been drinking?’

‘Just answer the question.’

‘No, I think I’d get the giggles.’ Honesty prevailed.

‘Yeah.’ He chuckled. ‘We could always have video-call sex. Then we’d get the visuals. I know you like a movie.’

Oh, he was wicked.

And it had been weeks since her last orgasm. ‘Except my phone’s camera is pretty bad.’

‘I could buy you a better one.’

She didn’t want him to buy her anything. ‘Ruben.’


‘We’re supposed to be friends and not having any kind of sex.’ She knew down to the hour how long it had been and, no, it wasn’t getting easier. But it would. Sure it would.

‘Oh, hell,’ he muttered. ‘I forgot about that.’


‘I’ll try harder.’ He sounded contrite.

‘Yeah, you need to try much,muchharder.’

‘Yeah,’ he answered softly. ‘You like it hard.’

‘Ruben,’ she warned him. Biting her lip because, hell, yes, she’d liked it hard from him.

‘What’ll you do to me if I slip up again?’

Slip up? Oh, yeah, she could think of the exact thing he’d slip up and into her.

‘I’m sure I could come up with a suitable punishment.’ Oh, this was ridiculous. She was getting turned on by the slightest smut talk? ‘I’ll find some way of restraining you.’

So many ideas of restraint just flooded her head. She heard the faintest strangled sound and smiled. She wasn’t the only one sensing the innuendo.

‘What if I fight back?’ he asked softly. Ominously. ‘You know I do like to tease. And I can keep that up for a long, long time.’

‘You’d want to draw it out?’ She slid lower into her bed, her toes scrunching, trying not to let her hips flex the way they were begging to.

He sighed—oh, it was more of a groan. She could hear the sensual ache in it. Her hands yearned to touch, to relieve both of them.

‘Draw out and then push back in. Deep. Over and over,’ he muttered so soft. No double talk now. Direct, so close to dirty. And devastating. ‘I keep seeing you...’ His sentence drifted.