Ruben paused for a ‘wow’ moment. Overseas expansion wasn’t in his current plan but he’d be a fool not to make the connection. ‘When did you want to meet?’ Ruben—still looking at his schedule—frowned as Jack named the next day. It shouldn’t matter—the meeting was in the afternoon, Ellie’s gig was in the evening. So long as he made the flight he’d be there.

And if he missed the plane, he could take his own. It wasn’t going to be one of those clash of timing things at all. Fate wouldn’t be so inconvenient. It was completely manageable.

The instant he hung up from Jack, Ruben phoned Ellie. The opportunity made excitement burn all over and he wanted to share the buzz.

‘Are you getting excited?’ he teased her first when he heard an ultra-chirpy hello.

‘No. I’m just going to relax and enjoy it. It’s not about winning.’

Ruben smirked. It wasalwaysabout winning. ‘I’ve got a meeting in the afternoon.’ Yeah, he was looking forward to the whole damn day.

‘So you’re not coming.’ Not missing a beat, she leapt to the wrong conclusion. ‘That’s fine. I don’t expect you to be there, I know you’re really busy. If you can’t make it that’s cool.’

Something else burned in Ruben now. He paused, registering how effortless her shift to ‘I don’t mind’ was. Had sheexpectedhim not to show? It had happened to her before, hadn’t it? Her determined cheeriness to cover up any wound was too practised. Her parents probably. But Ruben didn’t like that she trusted him so little.

‘Of course I’m coming,’ he said more sharply than he intended. ‘I’ll be flying in after. It’s a short flight, you know. I’ll be there.’

‘You don’t have to—’

‘I want to, Ellie.’ He sighed. ‘Trust me.’

There was a moment of silence. ‘Okay.’ And then she finally asked, ‘What’s the meeting about?’

But the excitement of telling her about the connection faded in the insecurity that whispered along the cellular network. ‘Possibility of taking on a deal in Australia. New boutique hotels. Right from design stage.’

‘Wow, that’s big,’ she said. ‘That’s really big.’

‘It could be amazing.’

‘Sure,’ she agreed. ‘But once you’ve nailed that, will it be enough?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Once you’ve conquered Australia, what’s next?’

‘Indonesia maybe?’ He ignored her underlying criticism and played up. ‘Or Fiji?’

‘Of course.’ She sighed. ‘You’re going to end up with a massive chain.’

‘No need to sound critical, you know I love a challenge.’ And what would be so wrong with a massive challenge?

A small silence. ‘Well, I hope the meeting goes really well. It sounds like it could be a great opportunity. And you’re incredible at making the most of every opportunity that comes your way.’

He swallowed back the defence gagging in his throat. There was no point in fighting with her over the phone. Was she distancing—shoring up her defences in case he let her down?

Her determination not to care worried him. He didn’t want to worry. He didn’t want to have to mind how she might be feeling.

‘So what are you planning to wear tomorrow?’ He tried to tease them both out of it. ‘The black slip dress would be good, with the sequined sandals.’ He dreamed about that outfit all the time.

‘You sound like my girly best friend, you know that?’ she teased back.

He forced a chuckle but couldn’t quite mask the bitter kernel burrowing deeper inside his chest. ‘Isn’t that what you wanted?’

* * *

Less than twenty-four hours later he shook hands with Jack Wolfe—CEO of Wolfe Enterprises one of the biggest media conglomerates in America. While the company’s primary area had once been travel guides, it had diversified in recent years—including investing in luxe venues. He was possibly formidable competition but definitely a fantastic ally. Practically royalty if the US had such a thing. Ruben liked being his own boss, but he wasn’t stupid. He’d forge a business alliance with the best of them. But only the best.

‘Thanks for taking time out to meet.’ Jack said.