‘Really?’ She sat up and swiped a finger across it. The grey remained. Clouds had descended, encompassing their tower. They couldn’t see a thing.

‘We can’t fly out in this.’ He sighed sleepily.

‘But we can’t stay here another night.’ Panic threatened to drown her relaxed state as consciousness brought thought with it. One night she could manage. More was a definite no.

‘We don’t have a choice,’ he replied. ‘It’s not safe to leave here until the fog lifts.’

Not safe physically perhaps, but this was her heart on the line. She’d let him in and more intimate time together would have her in trouble. She’d always known that. ‘But—’

‘Stop looking so worried.’ He laughed roughly. ‘We can’t anyway. We’re all out of condoms.’

‘You’re kidding.’ Her jaw dropped.

He shook his head. ‘It was only a five pack.’

How stupid had she been not to have any on her?

How stupid had he been not to buy in bulk? And had they really only had sex the five times? It felt like so much more. Mind you, there’d been other kinds of orgasms too.

‘It’s probably a good thing.’ She closed her eyes and shook her head. ‘This was enough.’ Both her body and her heart were worn out. Now that fog just had to burn off super quick so she could keep as whole as possible and not leave that vital beating part of herself behind with him.

She felt him fall back on the pillows beside her. ‘You’re right.’

‘I’m sorry?’ She laughed, working up some humour to cover the sudden sense of devastation. She was learning tricks off him. ‘Can you repeat that, please?’

‘You’reright,’ he mumble grumbled.

‘A little louder.’

He pulled the pillow out from under his head and threw it at her.

‘Wow, a man who can admit when someone else—a woman—is right,’ she teased, determined to jolly away the disappointment when she’d realised he couldn’t come inside her again. And that for him this one night had truly been enough. ‘Why haven’t you been snapped up already?’

‘Because I turn into a werewolf at full moon,’ he teased back, reminding her of her old joke back that first morning after.

‘Even more reason for you to have the ball and chain already. Women love a man in touch with his animal side,’ she purred.

His brows lifted. ‘You do like some animal in your man, don’t you?’

She licked her lips and tipped her head back to utter a little howl.

He reached a long arm out and twisted his fingers into her hair. ‘I like your hair like this. Neither straight or curly, but it definitely has this little kink.’

There was a time when Ellie would have ensured that every time she saw him next, her hair would be just so. She’d straightened it to a crisp for one boyfriend, curled it tight for another—always aiming to please. To do whatever to make a guy like her and keep liking her. Old habits died hard. But she wasn’t going to do that for Ruben—it had never been that way between them and she wasn’t going to slide backwards now. No, after last night she needed to make more than sure she stayed on top of her vulnerable trying-too-hard tendencies.

Despite only having a couple of hours’ sleep in the early hours of the morning, she couldn’t seem to get back to sleep now. Nor could Ruben. By unvoiced agreement they dressed and went downstairs, sat on the rug in front of the little log burner.

‘We only have muesli bars left.’ Ruben rummaged in the tin, pulling out packs of bars and bottled water. ‘Sorry I don’t have anything else.’

‘I like muesli bars.’

‘I don’t even have a deck of cards,’ he added ruefully.

‘That’s probably a good thing, I only know how to play poker.’ Ellie glanced up and caught the look in his eye. Yeah, time to move the conversation along. ‘I’ve got some news actually.’

Ruben took a bite out of his bar and chewed thoughtfully, taking satisfaction in the way her smile was bubbling out of her. That was his doing and it made him feel good.

‘I’m up for a tourism award. Only a very minor one of course. Rookie Guide of the Year—can you believe that?’ She bounced on her knees. ‘I’ve only been there a couple of months but I’ve been nominated! I’m so thrilled.’